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Hiyaa! This is my first story on this (my new account) and I'm planning for it to be a full length fanfic. Its based on the 100 themes challenge, however instead of the between 500-1000 words limit ima just use the themes and go from there. There will be trigger warnings at some points as this isn't gonna be a lovey dove sweet story, but enjoy!

My weary eyes grow tired as they dart back and forth over the gruesome scene that just transpired. With a regretful sigh, I wipe the fresh blood off my hands and try to cleanse my conscious. The weapon that exonerated the slaughter lies mockingly beneath my fingertips, taunting and daring me to reverse my regrettable actions. Yet, as the warm blood flows still, and the body of my dearly beloved begins to freeze, I walk away, willing the sorrow to not consume me.

Pure white tiles glisten with crimson fluid, leaving in my wake a trail of bloodied footprints leading to the next chapter of this story. With a clearer head and a renewed grip on sanity, I begin to plan out the next phase, pushing back the sickly aroma of spiralling madness. Madness had a smell; it was sharp and metallic. From here on out all the nights spent dangling on the edge of lucidity, bloodshot eyes clamped awake with caffeine induced adrenaline- it would all pay off in the sweet form of a plumb briefcase, overflowing with luscious wads of cash. Destroying my own almost seemed worth it. Almost.

My fingers twitch as a shuddering hiss escapes from between clenched teeth. I scroll the mouse over to the 'file' button and save the word document as chapter 23 in the 'Lucy's Story' folder.

Heya, I'm Lucy Heartfillia. Full time medical student at Magnolia University and aspiring novelist. Reality versus expectation I guess. Becoming an author has been a career I've wanted to pursue since I was little, but it's been pushed aside in favour of my parents wishes. The good old Heartfilia's. Where aesthetics is of more significance than aspirations. I mean, it's not necessarily out of malice, rather, our family is center spotlight; it would be humiliating to have your only daughter unemployed and unsuccessful.

As far as writing goes, I have a part time job in the local paper but that's about it. Closest I'll get to the real deal. At the very least, it helps pay the rent. Currently, I share a studio with my boyfriend Eric- its not convenient but, he won't have it any other way.

Today -an "oh so cheery," timid October evening- the damp air feels heavy and dense, droplets of condensation racing each other down the inside of the café window. Dreary atmosphere weighs down visibly on everyone's mood. Everyone excluding a little girl, disappearing and materialising in flashes of soft yellow, dancing across my (and only mine) vision.

Wrapping the sides of my way too big winter coat around me, I tug at the sleeves, hiding away my hands save for iridescent teal fingertips, chipped and gnawed at. Nail aesthetics were the least of my worries. Tearing my attention away from the sweet little distraction, the harsh slaps of worn out trainers on cheap linoleum make a sudden appearance. Stopping at the side of our table, Eric's form towers above my hunched frame as he rather abruptly slides a full mug of hazardously hot coffee my way, opaque liquid almost spilling over and sloshing over the sides.

"Take it," he sighs, voice gravelly and tired. I tilt my head in confusion. Little yellow disappears.

"What? I didn't ask for one, it's fine, you can have it." I reply gently pushing it back towards him, returning to work editing out minor grammatical errors. He narrows his eyes at me. Not-so-gently shoving me and my laptop out of the way, he takes a seat.

"I didn't ask if you wanted it, I told you to take it. Do as you're told." Didn't even look at me. From this angle I can study his facial features. Sharp jaw, tensed in agitation. High cheekbones. Narrowed, hollow eyes. He did not look happy.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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