Chapter 6

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(Private Chat between Beca and Jesse)

Beca- Hey Jess.

Jesse - Hey Beca

Beca - I have something to tell you...

Jesse - What is it?

Beca - I don't think we were meant to be, it's not working anymore.

Jesse - Are you breaking up with me?

Beca - Yeah, unfortunately.

Jesse - Are you going to be alone for the rest of your life?

Beca - I don't think so. I just don't want you in my life.

Jesse - well isn't that nice to know? Bye, Beca.

(Jesse left the chat)

Beca - well, that's fun. I'm alone.

(Beca added Chloe)

Chloe - Hey Beca ...

Beca - hi

Chloe - what's going on?

Beca - I have a confession to make...

Chloe - is it about the Bellas?

Beca - nope, it's about us. just listen for a minute.

Chloe - Okay, you're scaring me.

Beca - It's nothing bad, I promise.

Beca - Chlo, I like you so much.

Beca - Chlo, please say something.

Chloe - I.. Like you too beca. I've just been afraid to admit it, and breaking up with Chicago opened me up to that possibility.

Beca - Would you like to go on a date with me?

Chloe - Yes.

Beca - How about tonight, at 7 pm??

Chloe - Sounds perfect

Beca - Great, it's a date!

Beca and Chloe go on a date later that night, not telling the others where they are headed leaving the girls confused and kinda worried!

Aubrey - Does anyone know where Beca and Chloe are? they aren't in the house.

Flo - Maybe they got kidnapped...

Fat Amy - No, Flo. I saw them leave about 20 minutes ago, both looked kinda dressed up so who knows where they are going.

Stacie - None of them have posted on socials or their Instagram stories.

Aubrey - Just texted Chloe, and got no response.

Fat Amy - maybe they finally put 2 and 2 together, maybe they took each other out on a date?

Stacie - No, that's not possible.

Aubrey - How isn't that possible? Chloe confessed to us the other day saying she liked beca.

CR - Who do we think confessed first? Do we wanna make a bet?

Jessica - It was Beca, but make the bet small, say $20.

Ashley - I think Chloe admitted it first.

Stacie - Nah, Beca was first.

Fat Amy - I second what Stacie said.

Flo - I think Chloe said it first.

CR - I agree with Flo.

Aubrey - trust me, Chloe, would have said it first.

Fat Amy - Good Luck to everyone taking part in this impromptu bet. 

Aubrey - They will tell us on their terms.

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