Smashwords Questions

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Q and A

When did you first start writing?
I don't actually remember when I started writing. Back in elementary school, we had to write a story at a certain period of time and these stories would be graded. For example, this semester we had to write about a victim of bullying and how they grew to fight the bully. They were short stories and I loved writing them, especially since at the end of our deadline we'd have a party with donuts and bagels.

What's the story behind your latest book?
The story behind my latest book is that the impossible is possible. Throughout the story many can see that Amanda did anything she set her mind to. She did the impossible. Many looked up to her as someone wise. The word itself says I'm Possible. The story also shows that justice and goodness will find a way through any darkest point. "Why give up?" Amanda would say. There is always a possibility that things will work out, though not as planned.

What motivated you to become an author?
The thought of my passion for writing motivated me to become an author. The smile it made on my face could tell all. It hit me like a lightening bolt that I wanted others to read what I wrote. I did always feel that I could express myself better through writing. I knew writing was what I wanted and seeing my books on the shelf of a bookstore would be my greatest joy.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing to me is how the characters grow. The characters become close to me as if they were real, as if they were my friends. I sometimes imagine what I'd do if I were Amanda for example. Reading the words over and over, I feel I had just made a work of art. The words flow and connect together to make something extraordinary. Something nothing can replace.

What are you working on next?
I do have a few ideas for a next big thing but it's still a work in progress. Lately I've been busy with school and my social life that I haven't had time for writing which I feel shameful for. I have decided though that once this book publishes, I will start on something new and I'll try to make time for my writing.

What is your writing process?
My writing process can be slow at times. When I feel like writing, I'll write. I usually like to be someplace near nature where I can hear birds chirping. When I'm alone in peace and quiet. For me, it takes time to write. I need to think things through first before I write and then all of a sudden reality comes back to me and there goes my writing time.

Where did you grow up and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in New York City and my childhood did influence my writing. Every Saturday, my mom, sister and I would go to a bookstore called Borders and I'd just love looking at the books and reading. Even though I didn't know at the time that I had a thing for writing back then, it seemed that I had it in me all along and I had never noticed until now.
Even at school, we'd have an important lesson dedicated to reading. The whole class would find a spot anywhere around the classroom and read. We'd also have an important lesson where we revised our own writing. And at the end of the school year we'd have reading groups where we read a book and discuss it between us. At my elementary school, writing and reading where very important and the teachers mostly focused on them from all of the subjects we learned. Our homework was to write a short story or basically anything, as long as we wrote something interesting and with sense.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I'm not that much of a morning person and I love my bed to bits. I usually don't feel like getting up. The fact that a new day has begun inspires me to wake up and get to work creating something new. Every day has something good in it that most wouldn't notice. The darkness of the room, the fresh air makes me want to get up and continue the journey, to face reality.

When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Whenever I'm not writing, I spend my time either watching movies or reading. I don't just like reading, I love reading. Sitting somewhere in quiet with a book is marvelous to me. I feel at bliss. Books are my best friends. I also have a thing for movies. I love the action and the drama that goes on. I can't stay quiet when the story is at it's highest point because I feel all jittery and excited.

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Now that I think of it, I do remember the first story I ever wrote. The first story I ever wrote was when I was in the 2nd Grade. Our topic was about our favorite game. Mine was a game I created called Swing-On-The-Branch. After school, my mom would take my sister and I to a nearby park, which I just adored. It was home. Once, I decided to swing on the branch of a solid tree in the park. We'd stand up on a bench and grab the branch. Then we'd jump and swing on the branch! It was fun. I had decided to write about it. I had fun writing the story and I wish I still had the original copy of the first draft.

What do you read for pleasure?
This is easy. I love reading teen dramas that make me bite my nails off but when it comes to sci-fi, action or fantasy, I'm your girl. I don't read a lot of sci-fi books, but they're interesting. I usually go for fantasy and action for example The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. I would most likely read anything that has some magic and mystery in it. I like reading about the pioneer days of America too. Mysteries though make me excited. I have a set of who knows how many American Girl Mystery books which are very precious to me.

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