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  I walk out of the bathroom after taking a quick bath, I head to the cupboard and bring out a red Tee shirt and a blue skinny jeans with a red hair band. I put on my clothes, letting my hair down which stops at the middle of my back then part it at the centre so that it came at the side of my face then put the red hair band over my hair. I grab my phone and run downstairs preparing my self a breakfast consisting of strawberry tart and fruit juice to eat after which I put on my red sneakers and my schoolbag then leave to school after making sure the door is locked

On my way to school I get a text from Autumn telling me to meet up with her a Chandler in front of the hallway.

"Hey guys" I walk towards their direction.

"Oh hello Phoebs, how are you?" Autumn reply hugging me.

"Nothing much but I'm fine" I reply washing to Chandler which he responds with a nod.

"OK, so now your here keys head to class shall we?" She says pulling me towards the hallway.

I guess that wasn't a question but a command.

It's my first year in the s senior year and I trying to behave as natural as I can not really wanting to get in any trouble or fight with any one who so ever.

So lost in my thought I don't even know what's happening in my surrounding and as I'm about to ask Autumn a question, I am collided with a very hard thing.

Looking up I see no other person than the one I've been trying to avoid for the past few weeks since classes began JASON PARKER the bad boy in the whole school. With his stoic expression which can make someone really scared I don't give a damn excuse to run away. Getting up and dusting my self I look up to apologize.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there I'm rea_ "before he typically stops me.

"You didn't see me here, I was literally walking and you bumped into me and now you're saying you didn't see me"that evidence in his voice.

"Well I said I'm sorry"I muttered under my breathe seemingly knowing he heard me. And as my way round him to move, he holds me back to were I was standing. How? I don't know.

"You aren't going anywhere," his voice laws with anger.

"Oh really I'm not going to go to the reason why I came here instead look at you like as love struck teenager." I said already tired of his ranting.

"What did you just say" he asked but this time in a daring tone. And more disgustingly putting his face close to mine.

And this time I got really pissed up but I don't retaliate so fast.

"I....said....I'm ......sorry ....." I said laying emphasis in all my words.

'Are you even blind all you ate too much energy bars that your legs seem to function in its own accord."

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

"What did you say"

"You want to know what I said, firstly keep it disgusting face away from me because I don't know whose breathe smells worse that of a monkey or you. Oh wait I don't even think a monkey breathe smells as bad as your" I say pushing him away from my grip and I swear if not for people around here I could notice he felt so angry with what I said but I continue anyways "As I was saying please in not blind and I don't request you telling me were my class is because I won't need it and instead you will need one of my help making you a schedule to the nearest hell station so when I send you there you will know exactly were to go and secondly stop walking everywhere with your annoying being of friends happy with people feeding your egos either by scaring them or bullying them because I swear your brain is smaller than that of an ostrich and lastly if you don't know stop threatening people like you own their life instead like as I said you can meet me to nicely send you to hell to f*ck yourself or just bury yourself where you're comfortable with and if you don't know where I can and will show you were. Now if you can excuse me I have somewhere to go." I say turning round him and his quite amused friends.

As I start leaving I guess he snaps out of his trance and still has the confidence to pull my wrist because literally if you're being a jerk and someone tells you that will you have the confidence to even look at me again in your life.

"I'm not done with you chicken" he said anger present in his voice.

Chicken, seriously is that the least you could say. I think inside but roll my eyes outside.

  Walking down the hallways after the people obviously videoing to go around with their stupid rumors have dispatched. I'm quite angry that Autumn wasnt even at my side but I won't blame her because she might have told me she had somewhere to go while I was filling my head with my thoughts.

I guess I must have spoken too soon when I said I wouldn't involve in Amy fight till I'm done but seriously who wouldn't enter any quarrel or fight till they leave school and you think you are a somebody and secondly who wouldn't fight with an asshole who thinks his a somebody when his obviously making people to feed his ego so he could feel like a somebody. That is clearly stupid!

After what seems like hours I finally find my home room and getting ready to face my music.

Surprisingly the first half of class moved smoothly and I'm currently going to cafeteria to explain everything to basically 6  murderous people when it comes to not saying a story you're involved in.

  Walking into the cafeteria I can really feel the burning gaze of people looking at me most of them obviously knowing what happened earlier in the hallways. Ignoring their stare I just sit on my normal table but I think my friends are so engrossed in their discussion they barely even notice me.

"Hey guys" I finally say tired of being stared at and looking at people like its the most normal thing to do.

Oh hey Phoebs. How are you,sorry  we were all lost in the spreading rumour.
Sophia says looking up with the others.

"The rumours of what happened in the hallways" I said already tired of the discussion

"Yeah part of them but not only that haven't you headed about the other rumour. A guy just moved over to our school. Alex Puth by name of I'm not mistaken." Megan speaks up furrowing how brows trying to think if Shea right about the name.

Something about that he sounds familiar bit I don't know. I keep thinking until my mind snaps to who the person is almost immediately.

"Phoebe!" I hear Olivia scream which is is more than enough to deafen your ear.

"What" I ask back not sure why she shouted my name like that

"I said is everything okay you look worried." She said with concern in her voice.

How can I be okay"Yeah I'm okay" I lie
"Sorry I have to go I'll meet you back later" I say as i head out of the cafeteria everyone looking at me again and murmuring.

I can't believe that ALEX my childhood bully was in my school now. Can this day even get more worse. First of all in in a stupid situation with Jason, everyone keeps murmuring or fleeing when they see me and now my childhood bully is now in my college. God this senior year will be more than a pain in the butt.

Not having the appetite top easy anymore I head to my next class which is obviously empty since everyone in the cafeteria feeding themselves with more gossip.

I seat in the middle row while taking my phone and scrolling through social media.
"OK everyone sit down let's start the class" was the last thing I heard before I drifted into my thoughts of not stool believing that Alex was in my college.

I think my teacher must have been calling me because my dear partner just nudged me the arm and my teaches in now looking at me with 'get ready to go to the principal's room' face.

"Miss Roy I won't take your absent mindedness in this class now what is electrolysis."

"I'm sorry what?" I ask trying to be sure

"I said what is electrolysis" he said with a stoic expression.

"Oh, Electrolysis is a chemical change which takes place when an electronic current is passed through either a solution in the molten form if the compound. I say confidently.

After asking me a ton of questions he finally gives up.

"Wow miss Roy you really ate smart, olds could you follow me to the principals office to fill in some forms for a competition."

Seriously is that how to ask some one a question. The colors on my face practically drained it when he said that but as he completed his  statement I felt relieved.

HAVE FUN WITH THE BAD BOY.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora