Chapter 2 - Destiny's Kids

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Destiny rolled over, feeling rested. Snuggling up against her pillow, she opened one eye and spotted the blaring red numbers on her alarm clock. Gently closing her eye again, she pulled in a deep relaxed breath, enjoying the warmth of her bed. Then it hit her. It was 7:35. She sat up in bed and looked around the room bewildered.

"Shit!" No wonder she felt so rested. She had overslept by an hour.

Springing from the bed, she flew down the hall to her ten-year-old twin brother's room, pushed the door open, and flicked the lights on.

"Get up!" David and Devonte stirred, but both promptly settle back into sleep. "Hurry up, we late!" Again, there was minimum movement. Sprinting across the room, Destiny snatched Devonte's blanket back and then David's.

"Now! Or y'all won't be having breakfast!" Hearing unisonous groaning, she made her exit. She knew that was all she needed to say. Her greedy little brothers were not about to miss a meal.

After taking her "running really late" five-minute shower, she was dressed 15 minutes later and mushing out -- a term her grandmother used to describe ironing really quick -- the twin's khakis and polo shirts. Thank goodness she had remembered to put the clothes in the dryer before she fell asleep. The last time she forgot to transfer them over from the washer, the boys had to wear dirty clothes. They talked junk all the way to school.

Thirty minutes later, they were heading out of the door, the twins holding bagels and juice boxes stuffed in their pockets. For the second time this week, they were late. Now she would have to walk the boys in the school and sign them in, which meant that she would have to miss her first-hour class since she had to be in her seat by 8:10 or wait outside for the next class to start.

Destiny started towards Denby High, checking her Snapchat. No need to rush now. Hell, she still had thirty minutes before the next class started. Strolling along, she noticed a car slowing down in her peripheral vision. She put her phone in her pocket and picked up her pace. Her girl, Brittany, had got jacked for her iPhone on the way to school a couple of weeks ago. She didn't have an iPhone, but that didn't mean they wouldn't take her little Android.

"Aye girl!" she heard a male say and then several other people, guys specifically, laughing. Hopefully, if she ignored them, they would just keep rolling. Sure, she might be a bitch or two, but she could live with that.

"Aye, you hear me calling you!" From Destiny's purview, she could see that the car was still cruising. Damn, get lost. She wasn't trying to have to break out and start running, but if they didn't stop messing with her, she was seriously thinking about it. She sped up, now nearly jogging. She could feel her chest-pounding and a serious lump in her throat.

Their laughter got louder. They were getting a kick out of her being scared, which really pissed her off. Destiny fixed her face with the nastiest grim expression she could and turned towards them.


The driver with the bunch of fools heckling her and cruising slowly was Andre. When he saw her expression, he pulled over and stopped, now nearly hanging out of the car laughing. Destiny was not amused.

"You play too much, Andre!" Destiny said, rolling her eyes. She could see that Tony and Jacob were in the car too, cracking up with their silly selves. Before she knew it, she was laughing too.

"Y'all stupid."

"Where you bout to go?" Andre asked, now, for the most part, composed.

"School," Destiny said, looking up in time to see a few cars whiz by.

"Kinda late ain't you?" Andre's smirky expression was intended to be cute, but with the thought of failing her first hour, Destiny didn't find it funny.

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes again. "What's up, Jacob." Destiny took a peek in the back seat.

"What up, Destiny." Jacob threw Destiny a quick nod, then buried his face back into the phone.

"What's up girl," Tony offered before Destiny had a chance to speak. 

"Hey. Y'all going to school?" Destiny directed her attention back to Andre.

"Yeah, I'm heading that way. Come on." Andre glanced over at Tony. "Aye, man, let Destiny get up here."

"Man, what?" Tony looked up from his phone, face grimaced. "Let her get her ass in the back," he said, looking back down at his phone.

"Man, get yo ass in the back before you be walking!"

"Aye man, bros before—" Destiny knowing where he was heading, cut him off.

"You better not call me a hoe!"

"T, for real, man. Get in the back." Andre was no longer kidding, prompting Tony to jump out of the car and climbed in the back, mumbling under his breath.

Halfway down the street, Andre opened his center console and pulled out a plastic baggie.

"Aye, Dee, you want a piece of this?"

"What is it?" She took the bag from him. "A brownie?"

"Yeah, something like that." Tony chimed in.

"It's an edible Dee. You wanna piece?"

"What, like a weed brownie? I heard these don't even do nothing ."

"I don't know who told you that, but yeah, these boys will have you blowed. You wanna try a piece?"

"Hmm...I guess." Destiny rarely smoked, and when she did, it was typically on the weekend. But she was curious.

"Alright, just take a very small piece." Andre looked from the road to Destiny and then back to the road.

Breaking off a small piece, Destiny slowly placed it in her mouth.
"It just tastes like a regular brownie."

Tony started laughing.

"Alright, Destiny. Remember, you said that."

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