Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Pt. 2

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Poppy POV

WOOHOO! I'VE nEvEr BeEn So DrUnK iN mY wHoLe EnTiRe LiFe! "DJ, lOoK oVeR tHeRe! ItS a PoLe WhErE nAkEd PeOpLe DaNcE!" DJ and I rip off our clothes and go join those naked girls in the corner. (A/N lets move on before things get out of hand. teehee)

Branch POV

Me, GD, Cooper and Aspen Heitz (Biggie is not here cause its "a bit too risky for his taste") went to this place called Sprite (not the soda). Ever since I was locked up in my bunker for so long, I figured i should loosen up a bit and go to a strip club. Poppy was the one who recommended this place. She said it will help her get pregnant when I get home. Does she expect me to get drunk? Hell no, I'm just going to throw money at strippers who have no life. OMFG.  THIS PLACE IS FUCKING AMAZING. IM GONNA GO FUCK SOME HOTTIES OVER THERE. Oops. Did I say that out loud? Cause GD is staring at me like I'm mentally ill. "What? Why you lookin' at me like that?" "Because you are acting like a drunkie and you didn't even order your drink yet." GD said. I guess he has a point. Forget what I said earlier. LET'S GET DRUNKKKKKKK!

(A/N  yaay! another teeny tiny chapter done my me! Happy Easter. have to say it now cause tommorow is easter and i wont be online tommorow. however, im on spring break and i will be updating more often. If u see a spelling error its not my fault. I put on these super long, fake nails for easter and now i cant even type. oh well. Thats the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Love you)  

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