Chapter 7

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Davina’s POV

“Lee Lee!” Phoebe knocked on my bedroom door three times, the way she always did. I groaned, raising my head to glance at my alarm clock. 6:43am. What sort of time was this? “Lee Lee! I woke up seven minutes late today! I can’t believe it! It has completely disrupted my day! Don’t disrupt yours.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled, turning and falling back onto my pillow, face first. Phoebe didn’t knock again; instead I could hear the sound of her foot tapping impatiently outside.

“You know how rude I think it is for someone to barge in uninvited, but you leave me no choice, Leah,” Phoebe shouted. My doorknob twisted, proving Phoebe’s point.

“Okay, okay!” I cried, grabbing my covers and pulling them up so they covered my chest, “Just let me get changed!” I knew it had been a bad idea, inviting her over, but her Gran had gone out for bingo last night and Phoebe had been reluctant to join her, so I had said she could come back to mine. Like always, Phoebe couldn’t stand sleeping on the sofa because it wasn’t flat. So she had grabbed some pillows and a rug and made a small sleeping area on the floor. She was a strange girl sometimes.

I got out of bed, tugging open my wardrobe where my bland clothes stared straight back at me. The Frosts had been rich, until their business went down. Yes, my mother used to treat Katya and I, pretending we had all the money in the world, but I noticed how we struggled. Though the Blakes had been kind to me, Nigel, my adopted father, was opposed to giving me too much money because he thought I needed to learn how to manage my own finances. Yes, I agreed on the last part, but the amount of money they gave me was completely ludicrous. Louise’s argument to it was that if I went to the boarding school, I wouldn’t need money; I would have everything there. A whole lot of crap that was.

Once I figured out what was going on at Greenwood I would find myself a job. Probably one at McDonalds, at least it would help me pay the rent. I was even renting a big place! It was a one bedroom apartment with one bathroom, a tiny kitchen and a lounge. Barely anything in my opinion. I missed my old house where I had my own study and bedroom, well, sort of, I had to share the study with Katya but it wasn’t that bad.

I grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a plain purple top that was almost grey now. Slipping on my half-broken flip flops, I made my way into the lounge, which, to my surprise, was tidy. Last night pillows and rugs had been strayed everywhere, but today my lounge was spotless.

My black leather sofa stood in the middle of the room, my purple pillows arranged perfectly on top of it. My glass coffee table had been wiped clean and my pink flowers were in their vase in the center of the table, unlike on the floor where they had been last night. My magazines had been moved to my bookshelf, placed one on top of the other in alphabetical order next to my vampire novels that had been arranged in Phoebe’s favourite order, Twilight unfortunately at the front. I rolled my eyes; in my opinion Morganville was so much better. Still, I collected them all. My flat screen t.v was clear of dust, it’s wooden shelf also polished. Even though Nigel was opposed to giving me money, Louise had gifted me with good furniture as an apology for what happened to my family. As if furniture made my pain any better. Still, I didn’t argue.

I sighed, making my way into the kitchen where Phoebe had prepared breakfast. On the table was six pieces of toast, butter, two glasses, jam, honey, milk, orange juice, apple juice, spoons, knives and two plates. I smiled, shaking my head at her effort; she always liked to have her day planned.

Sitting down, I helped myself to a piece of toast, buttering it before choosing the honey. Phoebe walked in, rolling her eyes as she saw me stuffing my face with toast.

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