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I know she was calling my name from the other side of the door but the only sound i could focus on was the sound of my breathing.

In and out, i thought to myself. I had a million thoughts running through my head i'm surprised i could even think to breathe. When i took the first test this morning i didn't want to believe it, no, i couldn't believe it. But now, I've taken three tests and they have all had the same result. That stupid fucking pink plus sign was beginning to piss me off. I must be sleeping or maybe i'm stuck in a coma and this is just some hallucination because if that was the case then i wouldn't have anything to worry about and i could just laugh it off and not even question it. I could move on and continue my life just like it was before i went to the party. But no, this wasn't a joke nor was I in a coma. This was reality and it was sure biting me right in the ass.

"Olivia are you in there?"

Oh right, my mother was still in the hallway trying to get my attention.

"Y-yeah mom ill be out in just a minute." How i managed to even form words let alone speak it had me dumbstruck. I needed to dispose of the test, i looked under the sink for some type of box. I found a new tampon box and put the test in it and hid it in the far back of the under sink compartment. I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs for dinner. I sat on the far end of the table and avoided eye contact at all costs. My little brother Jeffery was going on about some bug he found on the playground while my mother was setting the table. My father was still at work, He's a surgeon so we're lucky if we get to see him for more than an hour. Don't get me wrong i love my dad he is an amazing man it just isn't the most ideal situation. My mother is a college professor so when she's not teaching or grading papers, she's cooking, she has quite the passion for it.

"So Olivia how was school today? Did you have any tests?" My mother asks me, I whip my head up at her, stunned by her question. It feels like she is staring into my soul. I quickly recover and look back down to my plate and smile as natural as I possibly could.

"It was good, i didn't have any tests but i do need to study for one i have in Calc tomorrow." I said holding down the vomit in the back of my throat that was just itching to come up.

"Oh good, Are you okay sweetie you're looking a little pale." She was now actually staring me down trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

"Actually my stomach is feeling a little upset i think i'm gonna go lay down" I told her while standing up and speed walking to my room. Like i couldn't be anymore obvious that something was wrong, and boy was something wrong.

i was... i can't even say the word without wanting to scream and cry and throw my fists into the wall. I crawled into my bed and wrapped myself in my multiple covers and did what any sane girl in my situation would do, i slept. Here's to hoping tomorrow will be better.

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