Dont Judge Me, Love

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Her name is Lanie. His name is Jacen. Hope you enjoy!!! :)

It was a cold day in Feburary, but Lanie slipped on her coat and walked out the door to the bus stop. When she hopped on, she went to her favorite seat only to find Jacen, the outcast emo boy from her second block slouched in it. "Excuse me, Jacen right? This is my seat."

"Um, I didn't see you name engraved or marked on here. Find another one? There's twenty others."

"But, I have ALWAYS sat on this seat."

 "Then sit beside me, I dont care what you do, as long as you stop talking." He gave her a warning glare.

"Fine." She sat beside him, very akwardly. He watched for a few moments taking in her beauty. Her slender body went well with her haircut. Her light brown hair made her hazel green eyes shine. And he had never seen lips so lush. But no girl would ever fall for him. As soon as they found out what his life was, they would judge him and run. This is why he made himself an outcast, why he chose to be invisible, silent, and friendless. His life sucked.

She couldnt help but think about Jacen all day during school. And in second block, she kept glancing at him. A couple of times, she found him looking at her, but he would just give her a shake of his head and look down or to the teacher again. He was so handsome. She wondered if he really did have a muscular body, because his arms looked all muscles in his t-shirt. She loved the way his dark brown hair was just long enough to cover the tips of his ears, but the front was longer purposely to hide his gorgeous deep brown eyes. She knew her social status was on the line, and she couldnt date him, but no one would know if she thought of him every second. So, she did for the next week. And everyday that week, she sat with him on the bus and glanced or secretly stared at him in second block. He did the same.

After two weeks of secretly admiring each other, and getting to know each other little by little, Lanie finally took a leap. She asked him to get a coffee with her. He agreed, trying not to look so happy. And a few weeks after a lot of coffee and ice cream meets, he asked her on an official date. By now they thought they knew each other like the back of their own hands. "So, that was fun. Thank you Jacen." She smiled sweetly at him as they stopped on her sidewalk at the bottom of her house steps.

"Yeah it was. We will have to do it again sometime?" He gave her a hopeful smile.

"Of course." She replied.

"Cool, um, nice house." He took in her big house, half of him envying.

"Thanks. I like space and everything but I think my parents could've saved money on a smaller house."

"Naw... they wanted to spoil their little princess." He poked her nose. She acted like she would bite his finger, and giggled.

"Princess my butt." He laughed lightly. He cupped her cheek.

"Not even my princess?" His eyes sparkling, she couldn't look away. She smiled and nodded.

"If im only a princess for you, yours, thats okay with me." She stood on her toes, her hands resting lightly on his chest. He leaned in, and their lips met like a spark. His lips molded to hers perfectly, like it was meant to be. Her lips were very lush and his were as well soft. They couldnt get enough, but finally Lanie pulled away, breathing unevenly. But so was Jacen. "I got to go. See you tomorrow?" Usually they would just text or call during the weekends, but that was getting boring fast.

"Definitely. Goodnight Princess." He kissed her softly and lingeringly. She or he did not want to let go but had to. So he pulled away slowly, and gave her a sweet smile. But she saw a flash of worry on his face before that. But maybe it was her imagination.

"Goodnight Jacen." She pulled away from him completely, slowly pulling her hand away from his as she walked up her steps. She turned and went in the house, giving him one last small smile as she shut the door. He smiled back, and walked to his car. As he drove home, he contemplated whether he should tell her of his life back at home or not. If he didn't, she would just find out later if they lasted. So he decided, if he could get the right moment, he would tell her the next day.

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