Just Marry Me, Geez

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One year later... Sorry I skip so much, but I want to keep it shorter than normal. Tell me how this story is, if mostly good, I will make it longer unless yall protest. ;)

One year later, Lanie and Jacen were finally officially adults. Graduated and free, they could take a stand against his stepdad firstly. Then, do whatever else they wanted to or needed to. Yeah, his stepded was stubborn and tried to fight, but what he didnt know was they had had placed cameras in their house and the police have all the evidence they needed. Amazing, right? So Jacen made sure his mom understood how to pick guys, as did Lanie. And then, they took off leaving their old, regular, boring life behind and hit the open road to freedom. Then they stopped for gas, and checked into a motel for a night. They slept, and I mean slept in the same bed just cuddling together. In the morning, after each of them had a shower, they continued. When they finally got to Florida, they stopped. See, during that last year, they had made bank. "Hotel?"

"No. Motel. Cheaper." She said tiredly. He loved the way her voice sounded when she wanted to sleep. Very high pitch and scratchy but still it fit her. He loved everything about her. They had only had a few fights over stupid stuff. He walked away so he wouldnt become his stepdad, but she had always said "dont walk away from me." If he kept walking, she said his whole name louder. She always got her way with him, but he knew how to get his way too. He stopped at a good looking motel, quietly got out the car to not wake her up, and got them a room. He woke her up enough where he could lead her to bed, then let her collapse. It was like he never woke her at all. He checked to make sure she was breathing for his own humor before getting their bags. He put them down, took off his shirt, and tucked her in beside him. She moved so her head was resting on his chest, and the rest of her body was touching his. But she was dead asleep again after that.

The next morning, he woke her up around ten. "Its ten?!" I havent slept that late in awhile.

"Gosh, I get up later than that usually." He smiled.

"Not with me, you wont." She teased, but then yawned.

"That was beautiful, and dont bet on it, you will lose." He teased back. She punched him in the abs, but then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, princess." He replied sweetly. He kissed her forehead. "I would kiss you but... uh... morning breathe." She gave him an offended look, smacked his arm, and stalked to the bathroom. "ABUSE!" He yelled. He heard her laugh. She came out fifteen minutes later, changed, wet hair, and minty breathe. She saw him checking her out and swirled around.


"You're always beautiful, Lanie. Always to me."

"And will be forever? Even when I am old, gray haired, and wrinkled?" She asked.

"Yes. Even then. If you love me the same."

"I will."

"I have a question..."

"Um,... ok?" She narrowed her eyes at him. He got down on one knee, and pulled out a ringbox. He opened so she could see the smallish but gorgeous diamond ring inside. She gasped, smiling, and happy tears filling her eyes. "Jacen?"

"Marry me, Lanie. There's no other woman for me. I want to spend the rest of my days loving and needing you in every way."

"Of course. Yes! Yes!" She let him slip the ring on her finger, then he wrapped her in his arms. They kissed and everything was as close to perfect as you can imagine. Later, they called their parents and shared the good news. They were all happy and excited for them.

Seven months later, Jacen was watching Lanie come down the isle in pure white wedding dress smiling at him. He took her hand in his, squeezing it, mouthing he loved her. She mouthed she loved him back. Then, they turned their attention to the pastor, went through the vows, and said "I DOs. They went to Jamaica for their honeymoon, and their parents found out they had twin grandchildren on the way when they got back. Lanie and Jacen had a typical marriage, but with more love than you see in any lifetime. Their family was strong no matter what they went through. Their girl, Jacey, grew up to be a nurse. And her twin brother, Lane, he grew up to go in the army for fifty years, and retire. So, typical happily ever after.


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