Chapter 2

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"So I"m guessing you're not from around here. I mean you have a accent and everything." Josh asks me as he closes the door to the jeep.

I chuckle. If i had a Pennie for every time I get asked this. "Nah. I mean my mom lives here and my dad lives in Australia. I spent my summers here and my school years there." 

He shakes his head and reaches out to change the radio station. My all time favorite song comes on, Move Along, By All American Rejects. 

"Ooo! Don't change it, I love this song!" I yell as I start singing along with it radio.

"Go ahead and waste your days with thinking, When you fall everyone stands. Another day and you've had your fill of sinking."

"With your live in your hands are shaking cold, your hands are mine to hold." Josh joins in with me.

When the song ends we pull up to a stop light and look at each other and burst out laughing. Apparently we were laughing to long because I am snapped out of my laughing fit by honking horns. 


We get to the mall and find a parking spot all the way in Africa. I mean we had to park all the way out by the road which is like a mile and a half away from the mall.

I step out and lock the jeep and walk over to the grass waiting for Josh. He walks over and we start our trek to the doors of  the mall. 


We finally get to the doors of the mall. As I walk in with Josh behind me I hear a snap of a camera. I turn around and see someone run from the bushes. 

"Did you see that?" I asked Josh who didn't seem to notice the guy with the huge camera running away. 

"Yep." He says this like it happens all the time.


As we walk past the kiosks I see a magazine that has Josh's face on it. I stop in my tracks and walk over to it. I grab it from the shelf and look over at Josh. 

"What are you a super star?" I ask and get my question answered by a mob of people swarming around us snapping pictures and asking for autographs. 

Josh grabs my hand and starts pulling us through the the ginormous crowd. When we finally break through the mob, we take off down toward the movie theater. 

"Dammit, I should have known that would happen." Josh says and we slow down to a walk and start toward the doors. 

We get to the car and I put the keys in and start to drive away from the curb. After about 6 miles of driving I stop at a field. 

"What the hell happened back there?" 

"I'm a "super star" as you would say. I am a actor. You haven't seen any of my movies? What about RV? I know that was released in Australia."

"I don't go and see moves. I have only seen like Cinderella and Snow White." 

"Fine go back to my house and I will show you." 

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