Chapter 5

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This chapter hasn't really been edited, so I apologize for any mistakes! Don't forget to vote and comment! :) 

Jackson’s POV

                After deciding to end our little swim, I walked back up to where our blanket and clothes were with Madison right beside me. Talking with her all afternoon had been better than I thought it would be, and I seemed to be addicted to those lips of hers. She was definitely an incredible person, and more than likely an incredible wolf, too. I smirked at that thought, I was a little anxious to see her wolf. What better time for a run?

                “Let’s go for a run, huh? My wolf wants to stretch his legs,” I grinned over at her to see if she was up for it or not.

                She nodded, seeming to like the idea. To give her a little privacy, and because I knew if I caught a glimpse of her naked human form I’d snap, I walked off into the cover of the trees where I pulled off my boxers and shifted quickly into my wolf form. When I trotted back, I was pleased to see she’d already shifted. Her wolf was smaller than mine, which was usual, and snow white. Her fur was beautiful and I was proud she was mine. My own wolf was a lot bigger since I was male and an alpha, and the blackest black I’d ever seen. I walked over to where she was standing, watching as he wolf looked me over. She seemed pleased, which made my wolf even happier. When I reached her, I nuzzled her neck with my head, feeling her fur against mine. She did the same to me before nipping at me playfully and running off. My wolf gave a small yelp and quickly began chasing her.

                She was definitely a fast runner, and I was glad that she seemed to enjoy because I did as well. I was quickly catching up to her, my strides much longer. When I was close enough I pounced on her, making sure not to hurt her as we both rolled to the ground and I pinned her underneath me. She was panting and her eyes held nothing but happiness in them as she looked up at me. She licked the side of my face, making my heart race. I knew it would be much easier for my wolf to take control while I was in this form, and I didn’t want to upset her like that so I quickly got up and motioned with my head for her to follow. She seemed to understand, and soon the two of us were running together back towards the waterfall where our things were.

                Once we got back, I went over to where I’d left my boxers and shifted, pulling them on before walking back over to where the rest of my clothes were. When I cleared the trees I noticed that Madison had shifted and was currently wearing my shirt instead of her own. On her small body, the shirt came to her mid-thigh and looked more like a dress than a shirt. I liked her in my clothes, it was unbelievably sexy. As I neared her, she noticed my presence and I saw the way she subtly looked me over.

                “I see my shirt has found a new owner,” I teased as I pulled my jeans back on. Her cheeks turned a beautiful shade a pink at my teasing, I loved it.

                “I didn’t want to get my clothes all wet,” she said with a shrug, but it wasn’t like I minded. I’d give her anything she wanted.

                “Well, you can keep it. It looks better on you anyways,” I smirked as I walked up to her, pulling her close to kiss her lips. I really just couldn’t get enough of her. The thought that I was seriously falling in love with this girl scared me shitless, but at the same time I didn’t seem to want anything more.

                When we finally made it back to the pack house it was late. They’d eaten dinner without us, so Madison and I helped ourselves to whatever we could scrounge up. Afterwards, I walked with her upstairs and straight to my bedroom. It’d taken some convincing, but I’d finally gotten her to agree to spend the night with me. Even though it’d be hard, I’d promised to be on my best behavior and that all we’d do was sleep. I just had to have her next to me though, I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t be getting any sleep.

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