Arousing (Harald Finehair)

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Now that all the Floki chapters are converted into this book, let's get to the real stuff. This chapter was not requested i just really like Harald and Halfdan, im going to ease y'all into this one letting the reader screw Harald this chapter, then Halfdan the next chapter and then maybe both the chapter after that ;) these next three chapters are gonna have Sexy scenes in it so if that's not you then you can wait till the next one. BUT if it is you,



King Harald arrived in Kattegat yesterday, (Y/n) was drawn to him since they laid eyes on eachother. It was like lust at first sight.

Both of them knew that they shouldn't give into the temptation, (Y/n) was married to Bjorn, and Harald was seeking out a bride, but the two couldn't resist.

There was a party for all the people who were going on the Paris raid, in Bjorn's eyes (Y/n) matched his mother Lagertha in fighting skills, so of course she was going with them.

(Y/n) was seated at a long table in the center of the room, with Aslaug, Ragnar, Lagertha, and Bjorn. Halfdan and his brother Harald later joined.

Harald sat next to her.

They both talked for hours last night. The tension building and building.

Because of that each of them decided that they will act on their emotions tonight.

"(Y/n) you look lovely tonight" Halfdan snickered nuzzling into his brothers arm, who pushed him away chuckling as well.

"Thank you Halfdan" (Y/n) smiled brightly, wich made Harald melt into his seat.

"So, what are we going to do about Rollo?" Bjorn looked to his father, which was a good sign, because Harald rested his hand on (Y/n)'s knee, and begin to pull her dress up slowly with his fingers.

"We will have to find a way to work around him" Ragnar spoke keeping Bjorn's attention.

Harald was pleased by this, he dipped his hand inbetween (Y/n)'s thighs and prodded at the thin layer that stopped him from entering her.

"Brother, didn't you get a lavish hut to stay in tonight? Maybe you should use that to your advantage" Halfdan urged Harald to leave public eyes, although all three of them found the act extremely sexy, (Y/n) was married, and Bjorn would not be happy to hear that the future king of Norway finger-fucked his wife while he was talking about battle strategies.

"I did, and your right i should" Harald spoke in a low growl, he couldn't resist. He wanted her now, if he could he would pick her up and throw her on the table, and make her his own right here and now, but again, she was married. Bjorn would not be happy to hear that the future king of Norway fucked his wife while he was talking about battle strategies.

Instead of taking his brothers advice, Harald moved the thin fabric to the side, his middle finger teased (Y/n)'s slit, her knee jolted up and slammed into the bottom of the table. Grabbing everyone's attention.

"S-sorry- i had a sudden itch. Please husband, continue" while (Y/n) spoke she looked into Harald's eyes, like she was really talking to him. Bjorn smiled at his wife and continued his conversation with his father.

"If your quiet, i will take you back to my hut, and treat you right." Harald whispered in a gruff voice, (Y/n) gulped and nodded in response she did not dare to speak, afraid it would result in a moan or a whimper.

"What if Rollo knows were coming?" Harald asked, turning his attention to Ragnar and Bjorn, but his hand wasn't distracted, he shifted, and placed his thumb on her clit, making small circles, (Y/n) moved her hand to Harald's knee digging her nails into him as his movements became more sensual.

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