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Senior year,

or should I say, death.

I have already suffered more than 11 years of learning, why do I have to suffer another?

It's just another usual day, the same old boring routine I made for myself this year.

I walked across the hallway, trying not to bump into the messy crowd. As I walked, I slowly reached my locker and opened it. I plopped my backpack in and took out my glasses, yes I have glasses, and don't ask why they're here. I closed my locker and I started going to class, math class to be exact.

Class was pretty much empty since I came early, so I decided to pick a seat in the middle before I plopped my books and pencil case on the desk, I checked my watch and I realized that the bell will ring in abit, so I decided to just sit down and wait.

Students starting walking into class, each finding a good seat for themselves, some even played rock,paper,scissors for a bunch of seats, I just decided to stay silent while opening my book slowly, but then someone sat to the desk next to me which caught my attention, I slowly turn my head to face the person, but I immediately regretted it.

It was Kim Taehyung, the 'popular' guy in the school that is dating the school's drama queen, or shall I say Min Taeri.

I just mentally rolled my eyes and went back focusing on my book, not giving a single care about the one beside me.

ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ ᴘᴏᴠ

Class went on for what Taehyung was ages, while Soovin focused her best on the teacher's speech, Taehyung felt like he was hearing some type of gibberish language. He looked around to see if anyone is understanding him, and he spotted a girl with glasses, writing down notes.

Taehyung leaned closer to the left, trying to talk through the person, "Do you understand any of this gibberish?" He whispered to her, the girl just kept silent and continued listening to the teacher, which got Taehyung to be slightly offended. He asked the girl one more time, hoping she answers this time. Instead, he got a huff from the girl and he just decided to back off.

Sheesh, what on earth is up with her?

Taehyung just shrugged to himself and gave up on listening to class, his mind going to another world...


Classes went by and it was finally lunch time, more like drama scenarios in Soovin's opinion. She walked into the crowded area, the sound of people chitchatting and snickering with clicks of forks and spoons being the only thing audible in the room. She saw a specific table which had her dearest friend sitting there. She slowly approached to him amd smiled, "Heya" she says, smiling at her brown-haired best friend.

"Helloo" Jungkook replies, smiling seeing her friend, "How was class?" He asked, trying to make up a conversation, but only getting an exhausted face as a reply, he just lets out a light chuckle and says a small 'sorry'.

They were talking about nonsense things that only made sense for those two until there was a person standing infront of them, atleast that's what they thought..

They both looked forward, seeing a bunch of people, more like two boys and a girl, the three looked pissed and had dissapointed pictures, especially the girl in the middle.

"Did you guys forget whose table this is?" The girl says to the confused others, jungkook just shakes his head abit, not getting her completely,

"This is our table, so be good kids and go away" she says with not such a friendly tone, she seemed bitter and not happy about the fact that the supposedly claimed table is taken by some 'weirdos'

"I don't see any reservation written around it, not even a nametag so why would I tire myself for nothing?" Soovin replied, staying as calm as possible, continuing to sip her chocolate milk

"Uh, we always have been on this table, you're just probably blind" the girl spits back, not happy nor pleasant about the words she heard from the girl infront of her,

"This place has other tables you know..." Jungkook trails off, not bothering to look at her

  "Exactly, now scram you nerds" The girl says with a cold tone, not giving any mercy on the two,

Soovin stood up, she didn't just walk away, she did what she had to do, she grabbed her small carton of the drink she's been feasting on for the whole time and went straight infront of that girl, "And what makes you think we're nerds, may I ask?" She says with the sweetest tone she can, trying to put on her good side for justt abit.

"Darling, it's written all over you" the girl replies, finally sitting on the table, but stops hearing what the other had to say

"Atleast I don't have bitch written all over myself" Soovin said quietly, slowly walking away but stops and turns around quickly, "oh, and have fun eating our leftovers" she smiles and walks towards another table,a shocked jungkook beside him.

"Did you just talk back at Min Taeri??" Jungkook said in amazement, proud of her best friend for standing up for herself.

"What's so bad about talking back to a girl?"

But they both knew she wasn't just a girl, she was more than that, more like the most popular girl in school, Taeri  has been popular for most of the year now, why? drama, that's all she knows anyways, she just takes the smallest things and can make the biggest tantrum about it, and what makes Soovin dissapointed is that people actually believe her and her fake personality.

Jungkook just stays quiet before starting up another topic to not make the vibe between them get awkward.

And that's when they ended up joking around, not caring about anyone around them nor the classes they have after their free time.

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