Chapter 2

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*Harrys' POV*

        I lay there, on my back, Louis inbetween my legs. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. I give him a nod. He nods back and thrusts his length into me.

"AHH" I yell.

        He quickly pulls out.

"I am so sorry! Are you ok?" He asks, worried about me.

"I'm fine. Keep going." I assure him.

        He puts himself back inside and i wince in pain. But the pain quicky fades into emense pleasure. I moan as he thrusts deeper, and deeper into me. It feels so good.

"Oh, Louis!" I moan in his ear.

        He continuses to thruster deeper every second. I can feel his member deep inside my entrance. I wrap one arm around his neck and the other around his waist. I pull his head in for a kiss. Our toungs tackle eachother in a fight for dominence, until mine becomes subdued. 

*Louis POV*

        He is so warm inside. So tight. He is absolutley stunning. 

"You feel so good." I exclaim, and he blushes.

"You...ungh...are so...ah...good at this!" He says, still pressed against my lips, grunting with every thrust.

        He reallyy is gorgous. His beautiful, curly, brown hair. His perfect smile. His dazziling sea green eyes. He is a picture of perfection. And he's all mine. No one can take him from me. I love him with all my heart, and I always will. I lean down and start licking, and kissing his neck and coller bone, earning small whimpers from my baker boy. I lift up a little to stare into his eyes.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" He says, and without hesitation, he pulls me into a strong kiss.

        I let out of the kiss and stare at him. Everything starts to blur. I am at the peak of my high. Harry pulls me in close.

"Im gonna, i'm gonna!" He start.

"Hold it" I demand.

        Lightning strikes as he shoots onto his chest and i simultainiously realease inside of him. I love him and he loves me. No one can take that away from us. I roll over on my side, my back facing the back of the sofa. I pull Harry in so his chest and everything else is pressed against me. I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around my neck.

"I love you, lou" Harry say's.

"I love you too, Hazza." I say to Harry.

        We fall asleep one the couch like that. Not caring wheat Niall, Zayn, or Liam will think when thay find us.  We love eachother, so we dont care what anyone thinks. I am his and he is mine. Forever and always.

A/N: I had fun writing this short story. I hope you guys like it. I will be writing a longer book next of mor like a Larry Stylinson romance book. I will add some steamy scenes, but i dont really want it to be an erotic book, but more of a romance.

        I hope you enjoyed my fist story of many. If it sucks its because this is my first story. Please rate, vote follow, and comment on how you liked my story and how i can improve my next one. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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