Sneeze Torture!

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I love Sneeze torture, it is my favourite kind of role play! Here are some characters, what makes them sneeze and how they sneeze!

Name: Sara
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight

What makes her sneeze?
Pollen and dust.

How does she sneeze?
She has a quiet buildup and soft sneeze. She is very shy and always excuses herself if she fails to stifle.


"Ee..e...e.. echoo. I am so sorry, bless me!"

If you would like to torture her. Do it here!


Name: Michael
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

What makes him sneeze?
He gets hay fever, so pollen. Also, cat fur.

How does he sneeze?
His sneeze face is incredibly cute, eyes half shut and lips parted. If you are having a conversation, he will still try to talk with his sneeze face. He sometimes announces it and sneezes freely and other times he stifles and doesn't say anything.

"Yeah, I was *adorable sneeze face* I-I was th-thinking that w-we sh- I'm going to sneeze, we shou- ha... hachooo omg finally wait *holds finger up* hachoo! Bless me!"

"Ha... *adorable sneeze face* ha... ha... *pinches nose to stifle sneezes* nch! Hgt! Hich! Sorry"

Want to torture Micheal? Do it here!

Name: Charlie
Species: Human
Sex: Gender fluid
Sexuality: Pansexual

What makes them sneeze?
Some perfumes and pollen.

How do they sneeze?
Announce with big build up and loud  sneeze into elbow. Sneezes multiple times

"Hold on, I'm going to sn- haaa... sneeze! Haaaa...Heeee...Haaaa... HATCHOO... HATCHOO... HETCHOO...

Feel like torturing Charlie? Do so here!

Name: Patrick
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

What makes him sneeze?

How does he sneeze?
Small build up but dramatic sneeze. He does not try to stifle and always excuses himself.

"Ha... HETCHOOO! Oh, bless me!"

Torture Patrick here!


Name: Skylar
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight

What makes her sneeze?
Pollen. Dust. Dog/Cat fur.

How does she sneeze?
Always announces, stifles slightly with small build up. Strong medium sneezes that make her nose turn red slightly. Usually sneezes 3 to 5 times Very cute sneeze face. Her eyebrows draw together and she tilts her head back and waits with her hand hovering over her mouth and nose.

"Excuse me, I am going to sneeze,
*turns away and makes adorable sneeze face* he...heee....hi... hi'tchoo! Hishoo... hashoo...heshoo. Sorry, bless me!"

Give Skylar some torture right here!


More characters will probably be added to this so follow me for updates 

Have fun! I can't wait for roleplay!



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