Baskets of Love

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It's been a year. A full year. This is the first Easter that Reuben won't be present for. The holiday had really snuck up on Jesse. She was so busy with everything else that Easter hadn't crossed her mind.

Once it did, though, she had immediately thought of Reuben. It was hard to believe that he was already gone for a year... He loved this time of year. Jesse would always put little bunny ears on her friend, and he would squeal with delight, running around the treehouse.

Jesse smiled softly to herself as she walked towards that same treehouse. Every year, she and her friends would have a little party there on Easter morning. This year though...she didn't mention it. Jesse planned on just being by herself. It just wasn't the same without Reuben...

Jesse paused in front of the tree she knew so well, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "Wish you were here, buddy..." She said softly, as if Reuben was right next to her. She reached out to climb up the ladder, but frowned, looking down.

There, at the base of the ladder, was a single green egg with little yellow dots of different sizes all over it. Slowly, Jesse picked it up, looking it over with curiosity. This was no creature egg she's ever seen...

"So, are you gonna come on up?"

Jesse yelped in surprise, jumping a little and almost dropping the egg in the process. She looked up quickly, seeing none other than Lukas peering down at her from inside the treehouse, holding the trap door open with a warm and inviting smile.

"Lukas! You scared me! What- why are you here?" Jesse asked, her voice softening as her sentences progressed.

Lukas' smile softened a little as he responded, "You didn't think I was going to let you be alone on Easter, did you? C'mon, get up here."

Jesse hesitated a little. She really did want to be alone...but Lukas was really making an effort here. She couldn't just blow him off. He was her boyfriend, after all... Plus, isolating herself probably wasn't the best course of action. Bad things happen when Jesse is left alone with bad thoughts.

With a soft sigh, Jesse carefully pocketed the egg, then climbed up the ladder and through the trapdoor, Lukas taking her hand to assist her.

"Thank you," Jesse said, pulling herself up with her hand in Lukas'. She nudged the trap door closed, still holding onto Lukas' hand. She looked at him, about to speak, but her eyes widened as she took in the appearance of her treehouse.

It looked so nice... There were many eggs like the one she had in her pocket, there were strings of lights along the windows, there were cute little Easter decorations of the walls... Everything was adorable, cozy.

"Lukas...did-?" She began, looking back to her boyfriend, who just chuckled, nodding.

"Yeah. I got here about an hour ago, set all this up. I knew you'd come here, even though you didn't invite me or the others," Lukas said, letting go of Jesse's hand to walk over to a counter.

Guilt suddenly took hold of Jesse, and she looked down, "I-I'm sorry, I just... I didn't really feel like having company this year. Y'know, because...because of-"

"Shh...I know, Jesse, it's alright," Lukas interrupted as he grabbed a bouquet of pastel, spring colored flowers he'd set there earlier. He turned around to face her once more, giving her a gentle smile. Lukas walked back over to Jesse, gently placing two fingers under her chin to tilt her head up to look at him. "I know how deeply Reuben not being here is effecting you...and I'm not going to let you deal with that on your own. I want to be here for you, Jesse. I love you and care about you, so so much... You deserve to be cared for, cared about. What kind of boyfriend, or even friend, would I be if I didn't do everything in the world to show you I care about you?"

Lukas' voice was so soft, so gentle, and as Jesse looked into the eyes that she's fallen so deeply in love with, she could see the sincerity and genuineness in them. She opened her mouth to speak, but Lukas placed a finger gently over her lips.

"You're my everything, Jesse... And I know Reuben wouldn't want you to spend Easter all alone," he whispered, slowly giving the bouquet to Jesse and closing her fingers around the stems for her.

Jesse looked down at the flowers that were placed in her hands, starting to tear up slightly at Lukas' words, and at the silent gesture behind all of this. He wanted Jesse to feel loved, and cared for, and appreciated. Well, he was certainly succeeding.

Jesse sniffed a little, raising her eyes back to Lukas' beautiful oceans that other people called eyes. "I...Th-thank you, Lukas. Thank you..." She whispered, smiling at him with so much love in her own eyes, in her entire expression.

Lukas nodded a little, his own little smile growing to match his girlfriend's. He pulled away once more to go grab something else; a headband with bunny ears attached to it. He turned back to Jesse, smiling a bit more. "You've gotta wear this."

Jesse's eyes widened slightly, but then she rolled them with a smile, "You're kidding me. You're kidding me, right?" She said sarcastically.

Lukas chuckled, walking over closer to her and slipping the headband on. "Nope.'re adorable," he said softly, letting his hands slowly slip down to Jesse's soft cheeks. "Even more adorable, I should say," he added, pressing his forehead to Jesse's and closing his eyes.

Jesse's smile softened, and she too closed her eyes with a soft and content sigh escaping her lips. "I love you, Lukas... Thank you. For everything," she whispered, her arms going around the back of Lukas' neck.

Lukas hummed softly in acknowledgment, his hands going down to Jesse's waist and remaining there as he pulled her closer. "I love you too. More than anything," he whispered before fitting his lips to Jesse's. He could feel her smile against his lips as she kissed back.

Easter wasn't so bad. Jesse had Lukas, and Lukas had Jesse. They loved each other. They meant everything to each other. Reuben may be gone, but right now, watching over them...

The little pig was smiling brightly.


Happy Easter everyone! Hope you liked this little story! Have a wonderful day! 😊🐰

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