chapter 2-the rise

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I counted the number of girls in the auditorium . I t was 150 which was about a third of the students at the school and a half of the girls.

Then I saw a bright flash enter my eyes  powerpoint was on the screen with seven girls laid upon it. The boys said that these girls had won a date .At first I was happy  because I wasn't on that board but then my feelings began to waver . My faint smile slowly turned into a  frown . I tried to leave but then Dylan shot me a stare .

In my mind I thought oh man he caught me but , then I shrugged it off and let the building .That's when it happened in second my eyes started to water.I was confused and did not realize why .Of course since kayla didn't want her friends to see her like this she sat in a corner.  But then a shadow came over her corner. kayla looked up , and their standing was Dylan staring deeply in her eyes. Kayla sought comfot and when he came leaning in she thought she was getting until. Dylan leaning smirked at her and started laughing he said " wow , what an idiot did you actually think I would like or even kiss the likes or you peasant."

That's when it happened Kayla snapped she looked at him, sucked up her tears and punched him in the face .at first it had no effect but then 5 minutes after kayla left dylan  started to feel pain in his left cheek and jaw. At first he was angry but , then a satisfied look came across his face . Dylan was intrigued by kayla's actions . He became hooked and wanted to learn more about her.

Dylans POV

On dylans side he was having a good time. Due to the girls with out doubt admiration each one of then paid the check for their date , sometimes they even paid him!

But while walking on the street he saw a cute little girl walking with glasses on . Suddenly he spaced out and thought of kayla dougan . That's when his date said "dylan Dylan are you alright." Dylan came back to earth and gave the girl fake smile and continued the date as if nothing had happened.

When Monday rolled back around as Dylan walked in the in the school building kayla was all he could think about.

So the first thing he did was walk up to her locker . He attempted to woo her but it went tragically wrong .He cornered her on the wall at first he saw kayla's face turn red . He felt like he accomplished something until he heard someone laughing behind him . 

Kayla was short so she easily escaped his grasp by slipping under.He was shocked , No humiliated by his ignorance

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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