The Kitsune

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(Enjoy the comic!)

Name: "My name is Sakuko Arakak, darling!~" She winked as she giggled enthusiastically.

Age: "Does age matters? I don't think so!" She chirped. "But in appearance, You can say I am 20 years old!" (Chronologically: unknown)

Gender: She pouted as she pointed to her chest. "Does this look like a male chest to you, hmm?" (Female)

Sexuality: "I am bi! I take anyone as long as they love me!" She sat down on the grass and thought about a relationship with any gender. "Yep, I am definitely going with bi!"

Appearance: "Oh." She said in an uninterested and sad voice. "Can't you see me? Am I really that invisible when it comes to meets the eyes?"

 "Can't you see me? Am I really that invisible when it comes to meets the eyes?"

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(In her human form)

(In her kitsune form)

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(In her kitsune form)

Personality: Sakuko is a mischevious fox that loves to get under people skin and annoys them. Even though she always has her ways, she also very kind hearted and loving towards others once you get closer to her. She is also shown to be very flirtatious and seductive at times, being a kitsune and all. As in her kitsune form, she seems to be calmer and gentler person. In some cases, she still retains her personality and also become very merciless, cruel and vindictive. One of the things can be noted when she loves to torture her enemies sadistically. She is very loyal and would never leave anyone side once you and her are good friends.

Species: Nine tail Kitsune

Power(s): "Find out!" She chirped and giggled sneakily as she walks way from this introduction

(Kitsune Appearance)

Dream Manipulation (locked power)

Nightmare Manipulation (locked power)

Fox Fire Manipulation (which combines with the use of Electric, Fire and Light Manipulation) (locked power)

Curse (Put a curse on anyone)

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