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"Hey Angel",
Zion's voice came from behind me, I turned around to face him,  hugging  my textbooks to my chest.
" So now your stalking people ", I asked, looking at him under my gaze.
He bursted out laughing
" You could say that, but I'd like to think we got unfinished business "
"And what might that be?"
"Remember our deal? "
"The deal which I didn't agree to? "
He smirked nodding his head, man I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face.
"How sure are you that I will go out on a date with you? "
"99.9 percent sure", he said, giving me his half smile, making my inside lighter than usual.
" Let's play a game Angel "
"What game? "
"Let's take the tutoring home, once a week at mine and once  a week at yours"
"Cut the chase, get to the point", I said rolling my eyes.
" One month.One month let's hang out and if I fall in love with you I'll quit all my bad boy ways "
"And if I.. . "
"And if you fall in love with me, your gonna find that out when you do"
"Wait that's totally unfair "
"Shhh", he said putting a finger on my lip, sealing it shut.
" Now we begin Thursday which is 1st of April "
"We have tutorial on Thursday", I said, trying to state the obvious.
" Coincidence ", he smile, running his fingers through his locks like he always does.
" I'll see you Thursday ", he winked,  walking towards the school exit.
" Hey!  where are you going? "
"Anywhere but here", he shouted as the doors shut behind him.
Okay so he expects me to fall in love with him uh! We'll see who's gonna fall first.

I was still fuming from Zion's overwhelming ego as I made my way to class that I didn't Josh walking towards me until I bumped into him.
" Watch where your going... "
"Woah! calm down Angelica", he said, helping me gain my balance back.
I looked up . He had a guarded expression on his face, no surprise there.
" I'm sorry ", I said watching him apologicly, " I just have a lot on my mind "
"Yeah, seems like it", he said, laughing easily. " Come on, I'll walk you to class, just to make sure you don't bump into anyone again "
"Thanks Josh", I smiled as I followed beside him closely.

The cafeteria was buzzing with conversation as I made my way through the multitude of students. Catching sight of Freya, I made my way up to the table and set by tray down.
" What's going on? ", I asked curiosly, taking a sip from my apple juice.
" Oh you haven't heard? "
"No, but I would like to know"
"It's the annual beach bash"
"Yeah, what about it"
"The students from Devonsdale high school from the next town are going to attend this year's beach bash", she said excitedly, her eyes shinning.
" Oh, is that a tradition? "
"No, this is the first time"
"Wow, now that's a party I want to attend", I smiled as I took a bite from my burger.
" Anyone asked you to the beach bash yet? "
"Ummm.. Let's see... You"
Freya bursted out laughing.
"No silly, I meant any boys? "
"Oh, not yet, what about you? "
Freya's face broke into a huge grin.
"So who's the lucky guy", I asked mirroring her grin.
" Okay, he's name is Richie McCaw and he attends Devonsdale "
"And how do you know him? "
"Well,we met last year at one of the football game hosted here, and we exchanged numbers and... Yeah", she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
" Well I would love to meet this boy who makes my best friend blush a lot"
"I'm not blushing", she objected, a slit pink spreading across her cheek.
" If you say so", I smirk.
"Oh, whatever", she laughed, returning to her fries.

" Oh there you are ", Jenelle said clearly not pleased. " Where did you run off to ? "
"I'm sorry Jenelle, I can explain",
" I'm waiting "
I explained to her what happened leaving the part about Zion saving me out.
"Well I don't believe you but that's not my problem", he said flipping her away from her shoulders. " Anyways remind me about your jacket "
"I will".

The afternoon went by faster than I thought it would and I found myself at my locker again, stuffing the textbooks in.
" Hey Angie, ready to go? "Freya said behind me.
I nodded, swinging my backpack on my shoulder and started towards the exit.
" So I really didn't get around to asking you what happened on  Saturday ", Freya said, looking at for an answer.
" Oh, well you know we did the usual stuff", I said, diverting my gaze to the stairs as we walked down it.
"I can tell when your lying Angelica", Freya said annoyed. " Now spill"

After telling about what happened on Saturday, Freya was speechless.
"So he totally said that? "She asked.
" Yeah"
"Oh man, this is going to be a great year"
"Oh shut up", I said as we reached her car.
I was about to get in when I spotted Zion's silver Volvo pull up in front of Freya's car and the window rolled down.

" Hey Angel, come on, I'm giving you a lift home ", he said giving his easy smile.
" Thanks but I already have a ride"
"Don't be a pain in the butt, come on, get in".
At that moment, Freya came out of the car.
" Go on Angie, I don't mind "
"See your friend doesn't mind"
"But I don't want to"
"Come on Angie, stop being a baby"
"Fine", I said, giving up as I walked to the other side and got in the passenger side.
" Take care of my friend", Freya said giving a warning look to Zion"
"Don't worry, she is in very safe hands".
And with that, we were out of the parking lot and onto the road.
" Where are we going ", I asked, looking out the window.
" Nowhere today, I'm dropping you off, then I've got to be somewhere ", he said, his eyes focused on the road.
" Oh okay"
"Don't be sad Angel, we'll hang out all you want tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and"
"Oh shut up! "
He just smirked and kept driving.
Hey guys, sorry it took me this long to put this chapter up, I've been having mental and emotional issues and that just made me not want to write anymore. I promise I will my hardest to complete the book in no time.
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Don't forget to vote and comment.
Question of chapter:
Where do you think Zion went off to?

Fatal Lies [#wattys2018] Where stories live. Discover now