Chapter 1

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"Draco you are not to back out of this" Father said.

"Yes Father" I replied.

"Do you understand what you must do?"

"Yes Father, I understand"

"Ok. Goodnight Draco. Make the Dark Lord proud, he is our master after all."


"Excuse me Draco?"

"I mean, of course Father"

"That's more like it. Your mother will be up in 2 minutes." That's my father. He is, let's just say, he is a little strict. Just a little.

"Hey Draco!" Mother says as she comes into my room

"Hi Mother"

"I tell you over and over again! Just because you have to call your dad-"

"FATHER" Father yells up the stairs. I sigh. He is always listening to our conversations. I don't exactly like it but I have to live with it.

"Yep sure!" Mother called smiling. "That you have to call your Father father, you don't have to call me Mother. Call me mum ok?"

"No. I can't. It's not right. Good night Mother."


"Goodnight Mother" I say cutting her off

"Goodnight Draco" Mother said giving up


Like I said before this is my first book so sorry if the story turns out really bad... 

But I really hope you like it. I will come back with more I promise. 

I'm 12 and I still go to school and this is my first year in high school so I'm starting a lot of new things. I might take a while to write chapter 2 but I'll try my best. 

Oh and I'm sorry, this was really short... I'll try and make them longer, well like I said, I'll try.

xoxo Mimi

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