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you know those moments, like your 'firsts' — first kiss, first time you drank alcohol, first time you went to school? moments you thought you'd forever have remembered down to the smallest detail?

yeah. those moments are overrated.

its been only months, and i still can't remember if it was raining outside or not. i cant even remember the exact time it was when i stepped inside the house, and saw her there. all i remember is the smell of the room and the way her skin was so chilling cold it send shivers up your spine.

i pressed two fingers to her neck and hoped id feel anything but deep down i knew the second i saw her, what the faith was.

a tear slipped past my eye, but that was all i could do before my hand reached for the phone and called the ambulance.

now i can't even tell if they asked me for my name, or if i was okay, or anything at all. its all blurry. like a cloud over the memory. and i prefer it that way.

it keeps the ugly truth away from my eyes.

my mother is dead. thats all i knew.

i thought id feel some sort of relief. not in a sense she was finally gone, but now at least shes at peace, kind of relief. she was a heavily troubled person. and i wished nothing but peace and happiness for her.

i guess she finally got it.

just not where i wanted it for her.

and all i got was sadness. sadness all over my body. sadness and pain. and it all feels blurry.

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