Alpha and Omega 2: The Start of it

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Kate: what if we're not ready to have pups?

Humphrey: what do you mean my love?

Kate: I want a family and I know you do too but what if I will be a bad mother or what if my parents aren't excited what if your parents aren't excited ??!!

Humphrey: my love, you will be a fantastic mother I know it and I will love those pups with every part of my heart and your mother with be so excited to have grandchildren and spoil them, your father will be so proud Of you and my parents will fall in love with them just as much as we will

Kate: you always know how to cheer me up, how did I get so lucky to have you as my mate

As the moon starts to come up, Kate realizes she has to hunt for carbo but then Humphrey comes up to her and start to put his tale slowly in a flirty motion

Kate: let me do the work my omega

She jumps up and pins Humphrey down

Humphrey: I don't think that will happen my alpha, because I'm about to make you howl to the moon

As Humphrey starts to kiss her all over her chest and fur, he starts to lick her face and he can hear her moaning slowly that she wants more

Humphrey: howl to the moon my beautiful mate

Kate: get ready my love

As Humphrey starts to slowly hump on her, he gets caught off guard when she puts her tail sexually around his tail as she starts to turn him over she sees his beautiful long grey dick as she starts to go lower she starts to lick it and realize how happy she was to be with Humphrey and how happy she is to make puppies with him too. As she starts to let go of the dick she comes up to see his face

Kate: are you ok ? my love?

Humphrey: I think I'm about to cum

Kate: go ahead baby I'm not afraid, let me taste you, you dirty omega

As Kate looks down at Humphreys dick she starts to hump him real slow and starts to feel his cum all over her body and she enjoys

(Kate thinking to herself in her head): I have waited so long for a mating season to where I can finally mate with someone, I have roamed so many seasons with hormones and been so horny with out no one to do it with but I can

As Humphrey grabs her sexually and turns her on her back he whispers in her ear slow

Humphrey: it's my turn, and I want you to howl to the moon

As Humphrey starts to go lower he looks at her eyes and sees how beautiful she is and how he has waited for this movement a long time and how he can't wait to never stop, as he sees the pussy he starts to bite and lick and as you can hear Kate

Kate: ughhhhhh Humphrey, go harderrrrr

Humphrey: howl to the moon my beautiful omega

As Humphrey starts to move he moves closer to Kate pushing his dick into Kate's hole as he goes faster and faster and faster he can Kate is enjoying every bit of it


As Humphrey starts to go faster and faster he loves to see Kate enjoying it so much

Kate: Humphrey ughhhh this feels so go, just one more time Humphrey ughhh

Humphrey: anything for you my love

As Humphrey starts to go faster and faster he lets go and pulls away as him and Kate are so close next to each to each other, as they fall asleep sweating together, cuddling each other to sleep

Alpha and Omega 2: the mom talk Where stories live. Discover now