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Jungkook took me home, and he stayed for a bit. I wasn't sure what all happened, or what Jimin was planning, but now that it was over I was finally in an okay mood again. Jungkook came upstairs with a cup of tea and handed it to me.

"Your mom made tea for you, she said she was worried." He smiled lightly while handing me the tea. I took a phew sips and set it down on my nightstand.

Jungkook and I talked for a bit, taking our minds off of the whole situation. Then my mom knocked on my door and I let her in.

"Suyeon, there's two boys downstairs for you.." she smiled at me. I looked at her and nodded, I told Jungkook to stay put as I put my shoes on.

I opened the door and there was Taehyung and Jae standing there, they both pulled me in for a hug.

I wasn't sure how Jae was notified, but it didn't bother me. I was glad to be with my friends at this moment. I hugged both of them and Jungkook came downstairs to the door and greeted both of the boys as if it were like his own house or something.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry we left you alone at the restaurant!" Taehyung said while pouring his feelings into my arms.

Jae stood behind him, looking down.

"Jae.. Im glad you came." I said, pulling him into a hug.

"I had no idea, as your best friend I should've been there for you." He sighed. I ruffled his hair and smiled.

"It's okay now, Jimin won't do anything, I have people looking over me now." I said. He looked up at me and pulled me in for another hug.


Later that day, everyone went home after we played some board games. My mom and I talked for hours, talking about boys and how stupid they can be. We didn't talk about Jimin though, because if I brought up his name she would start crying and go on long talks about how stupid he is.

It was just a matter of time before I went to sleep, so I said goodnight to my mother and put my phone on the charger. When my phone turned on, I had a few unread messages. Most of them were just messages for me to get well and the others were... Jimin.

"Suyeon Im so sorry for what I did I am so stupid I regret everything please don't tell people what i've done, I will lose so much" -Jimin.

I chuckled at the sight of him begging for forgiveness, even though it should be the other way around. I didn't want to cause commotion so I decided to keep quiet about the whole situation and just trust Jimin...

-third POV-

Jungkook rushed over to Jimin's house and pounded on the door. Jimin swung the door open and looked up in shock.

"Look, I can explain!" Jimin said while pushing Jungkook away, who was trying to barge in.

The two of them argued back and forth, until Jungkook threw a punch. Jimin backed up into the counter and accidentally knocked over a vase that fell on him.

"AGHH!" He screamed in pain. He had glass shards all near his feet, and had a few cuts on his legs. If he had moved, he would surely step on a piece of glass.

"Jungkook, can you please help me..?" He said, crying in pain.

"No." Jungkook pushed Jimin down, making him fall onto the glass. He was going too far, but in his mind, he hasn't gone far enough.

Jungkook stormed out of Jimin's house and went home.

"Oh, hi Jungkook!" His mother said, his mom hasn't been home for quite some time due to business trips and such and he completely ignored her and went to his room.

"Jungkook, can we please talk?" his mom said shouting downstairs.

All she got back was "No."

Jungkook decided to text Suyeon.

"Hello? How are you doing? Has anything happened?"

and then he got a text back.

"I'm okay... please don't worry. I told Jimin it's all good, I know he's upset and I don't want to do anything to make it worse."

And that's when Jungkook panicked. He didn't know that Suyeon didn't want anything bad to happen to Jimin... he thought that was what she wanted.

"Suyeon... I hurt Jimin though. What is he going to do?"

I waited a few minutes for her to text back.. and I didn't get a response.

-Suyeon's POV-

I rushed over to Jimin's house after I found out what Jungkook did. I texted Jimin to see what was wrong and he told me he was on the floor in his kitchen.. I didn't text Jungkook back.

I opened the door to Jimin's house, putting myself at risk. He kidnapped me, and here I am, helping him.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" I called out. I heard him crying in the kitchen.

There was glass all over the ground, it looked like a really big vase shattered. He had a lot of glass stuck in his skin, so I helped him up.

I couldn't believe what I was doing... I was seriously helping out the guy who kidnapped me. It disgusted me whenever I even thought about it... what was going through his mind?


Hours passed and I finished bandaging Jimin.. and he felt really bad since it was past midnight.

"I'm sorry to keep you awake for this..." he sighed.

"I'm just trying to help out. You did some bad things but it was my fault. I'm sorry," I smiled at him.

"You won't have to worry about me anymore, you and Jungkook will be fine." He said while looking down.

"What do you mean?" I confusingly asked.

"My parents are sending me to America, they found out what I did because of Jungkook so they're sending me overseas for schooling. I won't be back until college." He said with confidence.

I felt bad... but maybe it was for the best that he was leaving. If he stayed, there would just be a whole bunch of drama. When he's in America he can do what he wants.. and he won't be distracted from things like Jungkook and I.

"Oh.." I told him, not knowing what to say. "I hope you learn a lot oversea. When you get back, tell me everything you experience!"

"Really? You mean it?" He smiled, I nodded to him. "I hope when I get back we can start a new friendship."

I chuckled at him, "Yeah, but if you become crazy again, just know that there will be consequences."

We both continued talking for a bit, starting to become friends again. He was leaving, so I didn't want him to have to leave because of regret. I want him to know what he did was wrong.

After a few hours of talking, I finally went back home around 2am. I was extremely tired.

And with that, everything was now getting better.

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