Chapter 12

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"Zola, let go."

Zola rolled away from the bigger man who laid on the concrete ground, sputtering and fighting for every breath. Zola got up and moved a few spaces back so she could sit on the cruddy wooden stool. She watched as the doctors rushed to the soldier's side. Sitting down heavily, another doctor ran up to her. Zola took the water bottle he handed her, rinsing out her mouth and spitting out the bloody water. Strucker walked over to her and patted her shoulder. Both watched as the man struggled to get up from the floor.

She had won. She had finally won. For the first time in years, she had come out on top.

The soldiers wrenched the Winter Soldier's head back by his hair, forcing him to kneel in front of Strucker and the young girl.

"What shall we do sir?" They held the battered man up, yet he didn't make eye contact with Strucker or the girl. Strucker shrugged and patted Zola's shoulder with a slight smile.

"He's not mine to deal with anymore. No..." He clapped Zola's bruised shoulder as she stood up from the stool. "No, that is a decision for the Keeper."


"Zola, what are you doing here?" Asha asked, staring at her sister. Zola flicked her wrist for the bow to reload.

"You're in my way. Move." Zola was up on the rocky cliff as snow blew all around them, looking down at Asha. The mask covering her face was brand new, dark grey and black machinery with light green. Asha shivered as the cold began to set in.

"You know I can't let you kill him."

Zola lifted the bow to shoot the bolt at Asha, rapid fire she sent a second bolt after the second. Asha brought her sword to block each arrow that came. Both bounced off the blade as Zola reloaded.

"Those were my warning shots. Move now or I will remove you... forcibly."

Asha stared at her sister defiantly as Zola aimed the bow again, drawing back the black arrow.

"I know you won't. That's just not your style."

Asha spun her sword experimentally as Zola stood still for a moment before folding and putting the bow away. Asha's eyes never straying from the woman before her. After a moment, Zola sighed, bringing out the empty sword hilt to swing it to her side. A grey blade crackled to life, the sharp edge glowed bright green causing Asha's eyes widened.

"Who do you think your talking to?"

Zola suddenly turned invisible. Asha looked around wildly as she waited for the attack to come. Her ears stung from the biting cold as her hair blew recklessly in the wild wind. Suddenly, a grey booted heel greeted her face, launching Asha backwards. Zola brought the sword down toward her head. Asha quickly brought her own weapon up to intercept the blade.

She watched as Zola's face came dangerously close to her own. Her bangs fell over her eyes as she stared into the empty green eyes. Sweat dripped down her forehead as the heat of the electric blade clashed against her own.

"I am the Keeper. It was foolish for you to think that you could take me on."

"You are also my sister," Asha growled to shove her back with her sword, letting her get to her feet. Zola's feet slid back as she brought her right hand down to balance herself.

"I have no sister," the machine growled to then lunge at her.

Swords clashed against one another, the sound of ringing metal disappearing in the wind. Zola swung her sword at Asha's chest, but the woman ducked and rolled forward so she was behind her armored opponent. Before Zola could turn around, Asha kicked her in the back. Zola stumbled forward, quickly regaining her balance and returning the attack.

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