one | hi hello

118 13 18

"as we exchange those words
we're starting our own story"
- hi hello; day6

Seungmin wasn't sure if he was to feel excited or nervous.

Of course, he had been excited for the past 24 hours - after all, he was finally given the chance to discern what his brother's four year secret could possible be. But now that his brother was actually about to reveal it, the great reality of it all sunk in.

It didn't even affect Seungmin that much. At least, not from an outsider's point of view. But as he trailed behind Woojin, Seungmin realized how drastic of an effect this expedition would really have. Seungmin was so used to associating this mysterious part of Woojin's everyday life with his brother; now that he was to know what it could possible be, he wasn't sure how to see Woojin in general anymore.

And even now, when they hadn't even reached the destination, Seungmin's view on Woojin became increasingly foggier. Especially with this goddamn path, Seungmin thought to himself grimly as he picked through the foliage, tightly gripping the flashlight Woojin had handed him before they'd left.

"Do you always go this way? Because this is kind of a mess," Seungmin blurted.

Woojin only chuckled. "Not always. When I first started, I had to take two buses with a transfer in between. Changbin has since taught me a better and more efficient way to get to our meeting place. Which is this!" He said the last part with a fond smile, tapping the sandy path with his foot.

"At this point i'd rather endure the bus crowds," Seungmin grumbled. which was saying something, considering how much he disliked excessive human contact.

"Trust me, this way is so much better. And i don't get judged for toting around this bulky-ass bag."

"I'm sure."

"Really!" Woojin glanced over his shoulder. "The view is amazing once we make it out of these trees. Trust me, as someone who doesn't normally go outside in their free time, this one is definitely a killer place."

Seungmin was still somewhat skeptical. He had never been one to enjoy hiking, and due to many incidents before, he was prone to believe that Woojin was just saying things to make him feel better. An optimist, Woojin was, and while that would normally be viewed as a good thing, Seungmin couldn't help but sigh at his brother now.

"Ah! Here we are."

In his attempt to focus on not tripping over a stray stick, Seungmin had kept his eyes trained to the ground as he followed behind Woojin, also meaning that he didn't notice when the forest finally came to an end and opened up into this mass expanse of open area.

Well. Maybe he should start trusting Woojin more.

They were in an open field, right next to a river that you could hear the water moving from. aAbove was a dark sky; due to city lights, you couldn't see the stars, but it was clear enough that the moon shone so brightly that the entire area was washed in a wave of blue light, prompting Seungmin to flick off his flashlight.

It was almost magical. Seungmin had only ever dreamed of being in places like this.

"Told you."

Woojin's voice cut through the serenity of it all, causing Seungmin to turn and glare at him. Woojin just shrugged.

"How come you never told me that this place existed?" Seungmin demanded, slapping his brother's arm in mock irritation. "You know that this is my kind of place! this is the kind of thing that I always read about in my fantasy novels."

"Well i'm sorry that you were like - what, ten years old? - really young when i first came across the place! Mom and dad wouldn't let me bring you here. I wanted to, really. But I probably would've lost you or something, so."

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