two | better better

53 7 18

"(but you) became the reason
for me to get up
once more
you made me wanna open my eyes"
better better; day6

Seungmin made no move to hide the wave of betrayal he was hit with when they'd returned to Woojin's booth.

"You're a candy artist and you never told me? I thought we were siblings!"

"We are," Woojin agreed nonchalantly, not even sparing Seungmin a glance as he continued pouring the toffee-like liquid, creating a dragon of sorts. "Again, I was specifically told not to reveal anything about this place to you before you were 17. Mom was worried you'd get sidetracked from your studies if I distracted you with this too soon. And I saw where she was coming from, so I was okay with it."

"Clearly I'm not!" Seungmin pouted. "Plus, you started doing this when you were - what, 15? And you're doing perfectly fine in school! Does mom think I'm dumb or something?"

Woojin snorted, nearly messing up his design. "Yes," he deadpanned. "She thinks you're an absolute idiot. No, of course not! Mom just wasn't sure how well you could balance things out. Don't argue, we all know that you can't do proper time management for shit."

Opening and closing his mouth, Seungmin huffed, crossing his arms. (Hyunjin snickered from the side but shut up upon receiving a sharp glare from Seungmin).

"Aw, is our little Seungmin angry?" Woojin cooed, then handed him the dragon candy. "Here, I'll give it to you for free."

"Damn right you'd better give it to me for free," Seungmin muttered under his breath before promptly snatching the candy out of Woojin's hand.

"Wait hold on, what about me?" Came the offended voice of Hyunjin. Previously standing further behind as he watched the pair of siblings interact, he promptly came up to the front, eliciting a series of laughter from Seungmin.

"How could I forget our resident magician?" Woojin grinned, handing Hyunjin a candy in the shape of a dog. Just as Hyunjin was about to eat it, Woojin stuck his hand out. "Three-fifty, please."

The stunned look on Hyunjin's face was enough to almost make Seungmin drop his candy.

"Wait what? Why? I thought you only sold your candies for a dollar! And Seungmin got his for free!"

Woojin rolled his eyes, seemingly hinting that the answer was ridiculously obvious. "I do only sell them for a dollar, but I think it's time you repay your debts. Don't think I forgot the time you stole two of them. And Seungmin gets it for free because he's my brother, you dumbass."

"Wha - that was three years ago!"

"Time doesn't erase your sins."

"Then what's with the extra fifty cents?"


"Fuck off," Hyunjin groaned, much to the amusement of the pair of siblings. (He ended up taking the candy when he thought Woojin wasn't looking).

Upon realizing that there were other people making their way over to Woojin's booth, Seungmin and Hyunjin promptly bid Woojin farewell and wished him luck in his sales; "I don't need your luck," Woojin had huffed, but the grateful smile he always carried was there nonetheless.

Once they were out of the vicinity, Hyunjin gestured for Seungmin to follow him. "Here. I'll take you to my booth."

"Oh?" Suddenly reminded of the fact that Hyunjin was a street magician, Seungmin quickly picked up his pace.

Turns out that they didn't have to walk very far since Hyunjin's booth was only twenty metres away, but Seungmin had no way to gauge the distance or time it took them to get there. Unlike the other booths, Hyunjin's table was almost completely enveloped in shadow. It was somehow simultaneously ominous and comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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