A Struggle

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I feel afraid that my fear,

it will keep me stuck here,

for all of yesterday and eternity,

not a chance to move or to flee.

Watching the summers flow on past me,

like the flick of a page or a sip of tea,

looking out at a life that never seems to appear,

as the subtle old man hides his evil sneer.

A new world reborn anew,

life has become askew,

without a single clue,

of anything to do,

try to stay true,

that me or you?


And the fear laughs with the subtle old man,

not knowing it was implanted within me,

not knowing who it really works for,

but letting my mind fry like eggs in a pan,

never letting me struggle the darkness to be free,

trying to hide from life that there really is more.

Is it over, is it done?

Have I lost, have I won?

No, it looks to be another trick,

another book; another page to flick,

again it slows to a stop,

thrashes, and goes zippity zop.

And I feel afraid that my fear...

it will keep me stuck here...

for all of yesterday and all of eternity...

never a chance to move... or to flee

A StruggleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora