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(Y/N pov)
I was in the basement of this church we used as out base of operations it was big like a warehouse we finally got comms up and running we were planning and hitting a combine convoy they were moving troops around lucky for us any combine reinforcements will be to far to assist so in short if everything goes according to plan there fucked but "no plan survives contact with the enemy" or something like that I went to the armory to gear up an AK-103 and a Glock-17 and grabbed my combat vest I grabbed a magazine and loaded it into my rifle and pulled back the bolt in load the next round then stocked my vest with mags I was actually really lucky most other rebels didn't get a sidearm I overheard rebels talking about the ambush we setup rookies eager to test themselves saying things like "they don't stand a chance." and "were gonna wipe the floor with those bastards." the more experienced well....They've seen battle they know what to expect

But none the less we will fight till our dying breath for earth I had to see the doc though just a lil physical something about me dodging the combine experiments or something

Y/n: hey doc
Doc: hello Y/n just sit there and we can begin
I sat down

He hooked some machines up to me and a few beeps and stuff later

Y/n: so anything?
Doc: wow you never lost the ability to mate
Y/n: what?
Doc: after the combine invaded they striped us of our ability to have children but you still can.
Y/n: greeeaaaat anything useful
Doc: oh yea... well you have nothing to worry about your in peak physical condition
Y/n: alright thanks doc

Then I walked out and started cleaning my weapons and started loading mags waiting for tomorrow for the attack but then some woman approached me she was wearing all white and had a red Cross on her arm

Medic: hey there.
Y/n: hey need something
Medic: no but I heard from doc that you never lost the ability to have kids is that true?
Y/n: yeah it is.
Medic: oh...well maybe later we can you know...

She was blushing and was clearly nervous

Y/n: sounds like fun when and where
Female rebel: really you mean it!
Y/n: quiet down I don't want the whole base to know about us banging.

She nodded quickly and skittered away fast as a cheetah squealing the whole time

Y/n: heh rookies.
Rebel: Hey Y/n! Commander talking.
Y/n: got it.
Rebel: any idea why she was so happy
Y/n: no clue.
You lied

I got up from the crate I was sitting on and walked with the rebel to the main room to see the commander waiting for everyone I sat down a short while later everyone was here

Commander: Alright... so to our information the convoy will consist of multiple armored personal carriers, armored combat support vehicles, and some basic transports but lucky for us no helicopters... now that may sound like a lot but we have surprise, RPG's, and superior numbers now any questions
Rebel: how many vehicles
Commander: unconfirmed but we do know not too many
Rebel: can we

BANG a large explosion interrupted him halting any further questions we scrambled to get our weapons and combine soldiers flooded into the hole they made I fired upon them killing 2 with my AK but "click" I was out I whipped out my Glock and popped off a few rounds and dashed for better cover to reload nothing but gunfire, screaming, and death but I kept my cool yanked my previous magazine and looked empty I grabbed and mag from my vest and loaded it into my rifle and pulled the bolt back and looked over my cover I noticed out of the corner of my eye some unarmed rebels pinned down I aimed down sights and laid down some suppressing fire I heard them yell out

Rebel: he's laying down fire I'm going for it

Just then 4 rebels dashed across the battlefield and safety made it to the armory after cutting down the remaining combine troops runs over to you

Medic: Are you ok!?!
Y/n: yeah I'm fine you?
Medic: I was in the armory.. you're hurt!

She was right a bullet hit by your shoulder but a piece of metal you strapped to your arm took most of the impact so you put some healing goo and a bandage on it then Commander speaks up
Commander: Alright change of plans me and those rebels help me burn this place down rest of you head to the ambush point!

I got to head to the ambush I'm so lucky. me plus some other rebels mounted up on an armored pick-up and safely made it the the ambush point

Rebel: We weren't expecting you for another half hour
Y/n: change of plans our base was hit we had to move out
Rebel: shit first outpost-317 now you guys
Y/n alright let's set up.

Captured Male Reader × Combine FemalesWhere stories live. Discover now