Chapter 15

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>>Alex's P.O.V<<

You know those days where you don't wanna go anywhere,don't wanna do anything, don't wanna say anything today's that day for me.

I got up took a shower brushed my teeth and got changed, I brush my teeth before I eat don't judge (I do that in real life Idek I'm weird)

I changed into my Cameron Dallas sweater and some high waisted skinny jeans and plain white converse.

"Morning" Lycia said

I gave her a warm smile and Hayes was on the other side eating like a pig seriously when is this kid not hungry?

Then the rest of the boys came down we greeted each other.

"You guys need a ride?" Jack G asked.

"Nah I'm gonna walk" I said and got up to get my bag.

"Yeah I'll go to" Hayes said and grabbed another pancake and we were out the door.

"Hayes if you were still eating breakfast I could've waited you know." I said.

"It's okay I don't wanna be there anyways" he replied and looked down.

"Cameron and Shawn?" I asked he nodded.

The whole was silent but not an awkward silence and we finally reached hell.

"You gonna be okay for the day?" Hayes asked.

"Yea" I said while a tear slipped down.

"Please don't cry" Hayes said and came up and gave me a bear hug right now I could careless if anybody was watching us I hugged back and buried my head into his shoulder.

The bell rang and we were off I only had 3 classes with Hayes so I knew the day would go a little easier with him around.

I finally walked into homeroom and everybody still treated me like I was the new kid I don't know why but I don't really care. I've had no emotions since yesterday it's like the world was in black and white and you couldn't hear anybody just your loved ones.

"ALEX" the teacher yelled.

"Yes?" I said

"So what's the answer?" The teacher asked.

"43?" I asked

"Alex this is history." the teacher yelled causing everybody to laugh

"You'll be history in a second" I said but I didn't mean to say it out loud

"Office now" my teacher said so I got up and walked off.

>>Cameron's P.O.V<<

I still had to process that I was dead but the thing is my soul is still here If only I could tell them tell Alex I was still here.

I went to go see Alex and Hayes at school because why not?

I saw Alex was thinking in class she wasn't paying attention to anything or anyone all she was thinking about was the times she had with Shawn and I.

"ALEX" the teacher yelled.

"Yes?" Alex asked

"So what's the answer?" The teacher asked.

"43?" Alex asked

"Alex this is history." the teacher yelled

"You'll be history in a second" Alex replied

"Office now" The teacher said.

I don't know what's gotten into her she had no respect for anyone Except for the people in our household.

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