-secrets and sanity

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(sadao's p.o.v)

"Just a secritary it's nothing special."

I looked at her. She has deep e/c eyes, long h/c hair and s/c skin. Just with her presents alone I could feel my magic growing stronger.  She has an aura of depression and mystery looming around her. Her emotions were so cryptic and yet so powerful that it affected everyone nearby.

"Well I should probably head off to work." y/n announced

"Well would you like me too walk with you?" I offered

She looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Sure, if it's not out of your way."

"It's no trouble I'm going in that direction anyway."

We got up and walked out. As were walking I noticed her smile faded.

   I decided that I didn't like that.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just on looking forward to being poked and prodded at." y/n mumbled

'What dose she mean by that?'

"It's nothing just first day jitters!"
She says enthusiasticly.

She trys to sound excited however between the way she said it as well as the fake smile she was obviously forcing herself to look enthused.

"Well here's your stop."

I noticed that we were at the
Mc Ronalds.

(Y/n's p.o.v)

"Well goodbye y/n, see you later."


With that you continued to tords the police station.

"Hello ma'am do you need any help."

You reached in your purse and pulled out the card.

"I am experiment Hotel, Echo, Lima, Lima."

"So your the one, if you would be so kind as to fallow me I will take you to the place."

I walked with the police officer to a cruiser.

"Would you mind riding in the back?"

'Wow I've known this guy for less than two minutes and he's already treating me like a convict. New record.'

You suppressed the urge to start cussing the officer out as you climed in the back seat.

"So your 24 years old hu, cool."

"You don't have to force yourself to interact with me. I'm honestly surprised that you didn't put me in handcuffs."

"Well handcuffs wouldn't stop a monster like you anyhow. I still don't see why the government doesn't have you exterminated yet."

"As long as I behave and continue coming here then After hours I can do as I please. Within reason ofcorse."

You looked at the officer closely. He has blond hair in a buzcut and serious blue eyes. He looked like he was in charge of juvenile delinquents.

"All I have to do is drive you there and back however how about you and I have a little fun first."

"If you try to rape me I will turn you into an oversized icepop."

"Now, now there is no need to be hostile besides the guy I work for would love to get his hands on a doll like you."

'I'm not going to like this. But the paycheck is the only reason why I signed up in the first place. But if things get too far there will be the devil to pay."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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