Act 1: To Want Existence

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"You fucking peasant! Feeble life form! Come back! I won't go out like this! I'm fucking G-"

I couldn't help but snicker, I think I finally understand what life is. "Life is..."

Year 197X AD


Hosanna Harbor Town

Helier Faction

"Cyrus, you backed up already?" the blonde asked, her long skirt twirling from the sudden stop.

Her ivy cap slightly off centered, clearly she has been overworking herself again.

"Afraid so, if I take any more I'll have to stay overnight again."

"Okay I'll figure something out!" Spinning back out the door, she rushes down the hallway.

Snatching her hand, I pull her back to me, "You remember what our colors are?"

"Of course. I'm wearing them after all," she laughed, clearly out of breath.

"But do you know what they mean?"

"What they...mean..."

"That's one of the first things I told you when you came here. Something I figured you'd forgotten."

Casting her eyes down, I saw her body tense up, "I'm sorry."

"White, for purity. Cleansing us to our core. Coating our body in every inch of clothing."

Dusting off her skirt, I followed the blue stripe up to her chest.

"Blue, symbolizing loyalty, trust and heart. These stripes show you have intelligence and faithfulness to those in need."

"Finally," I center her hat as I lift up the golden bow, "Gold, representing the sliver of heaven we deliver to each and every person who walks through our doors."

"Work hard, work true and never forget what these colors mean. Always remember why you do what you do."

Gripping her fists, she lifts them up and gives a confident nob, "I won't forget again! I promise!"

"Excellent, you can pass those other patients over to John, he has my personal teachings under his belt. I can guarantee their health."

"I'd expect nothing less of you Chief!"

A snicker escaped my lips, "please, just Cyrus."

With a nod, the young Rebecca went back to her deeds.

"Oh yes, your wife told me to remind you that lunch is just as important as breakfast."

I looked at my wristwatch, just passed two.

"Suppose I could use a break."

Standing up from my desk, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, "I need no more than fifteen minutes, send my next patient to one of the rooms."

"With haste Cyrus! I'll get all the vitals and precautions done while you enjoy your meal!"

"Bless you, Rebecca."

I could see it in her face, this teen intern knew I counted on her and that brought her the greatest of joys. Who was I to take that away from her?

Walking down the pale hallway to the break room, I was greeted with the sweet aura of my proudest protege.

"Father Cyrus! I wasn't sure if you were going to eat today so I took the liberty of taking the last banana."

He was a few years older than Rebecca, a rather top-heavy boy with blonde hair to match Rebecca's. His shimmering pupils remind me of the ocean every time I look into them.

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