04. Aurora (Edited )

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*Edited credit goes to justfied454.
Thank you..


Aurora POV

"Princess, wake up. You are going to late for school."

It was my mum mermaid queen's voice.

"Five more minutes mum."

I was never a morning person. Everyday my mom, momma , dad or papa come here to wake me up.

"I'm going to pour bucket of ice water on you if you don't wake up this moment."

"Okay okay . I'm up."

I said while waking from bed.

"Good morning mum."

I said while kissing her cheeks .

"Morning princess. Come down."

After doing my morning routines I put on apair of denim shorts and a white colour shirt. I take my bag and go down stairs.

There was my momma who is the angel queen, my dad witch king and
my papa angel king.

Although momma and papa are not my biological mother and farther they love and protect me like their own.

I greet three of them with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning my sweeties."

I greet the others, my second of the mermaids Nilu and her mate the ex- beta of warewolf kingdom Rex.

My third of the mermaids Rithu and her mate the ex- head worrior of  the vampire kingdom Ven.

My second of the witches Lex. In our higher ranks He and me are the only  ones who are still mateless. So we hang out a lot together. So most of people who aren't from our three kingdoms think that we are lovers. He has two weeks  for his 18th bday and I have only 3days. We are impatiently waiting for our bday to meet our mates.

My third of the witches Ron and his mate Sera. She is an vampire.

My second of angels Ashi and her mate the ex- third of vampires Miho.

My third of angels Viki and his angel mate Rishi.

They all love and protect me like their own sister. I also love all of them and all the people live in our 3 kingdoms' . I'll do anything to protect them.

"Good morning princess"

They are so annoying . Because , they know that , I don't like to adress as princess they do this in every morning to annoy me.

Agh! They are so annoying. Like hell I'm going to let them get that pleasure. I calmy eat my breakfast.


I forget to tell nah my parents call me princess as nickname.

"YEs papa."

"The short is too short baby. It's too much skin revealed"

"I also agree"

My dad said . I forget to tell you nah. They both are very protective of me.

"I don't think so Nial. She is a big girl now."

"Yes, Trish is right. She can't wear your grandma's time clothes."


"No, buts. She can wear anything she likes."

Women's power. They may be the king to the two kingdoms but my mum and momma can control them with one look. Ha ha take that dads..

"Hey, we're going to be late. Let's go."

I said while giving good bye kiss to them.


It was free time to both me and Lex and we both were inside the canteen when I feel a sudden pain in my heart. I clutch my heart.

From the birth Mermaids can feel it if another mermaid is in pain or danger.

"Hey, Aurora are you ok? Oh! No a mermaid is in danger. Hurry and go. I'll follow you."

Yes, It's another ability of us. We can follow the path of pain and get to the victim if we have emotional cannection with them or queen herself can do it.

I know the threat is to Nilu or Rithu bcz  I only have the emotional conection with them other than my mum.

When we reach the school backgrounds it was barren because at this  time most of the students are at classes.

The scene inront of me increse my anger for no limits.

Rex, Ven and Miho are beaten down to death, they all are bloodied. Nilu,Rithu and ashi are held by some vampire and werewolf soldiers while their princes Liam and Alex are there while laughing .

"Lex please send a message to others asking to come here quickly. "

"It's a unfortunate that we can't teach them a lesson because we don't have power yet."

"But we can't let them to hurt them more. Let's go. I hope others will come quickly."

We were so close to them when suddenly two vampires bit on to the Nilu and Rithu while one warewolf bit on to Ashi.

It is very painful for angels and mermaids if their blood sucked against their will.

And I feel Nilu and Rithu' s pain. I felt like someone is ripping my heart from my body. I clutched my heart and fell to the ground while screaming.

Lex's hand went around my shoulder supporting my body. I feel all eyes turn to me.

At that moment Lex mumured into my ear.

"Calm down Aurora. Bewitched them. It's the only way we can rescue them."

I know he is correct.

"After others come, ask Viki and Rishi to cure the boys. Ask Ron and Sera to transport us to castle."

I instruct Lex bcz I know with this pain , when I use Bewitching song my body will lost the consious.

"Now, help me to stand"

Lex help me to stand while tightning his hold on my waist. The first thing I saw was Alex's and Liam's eyes which are filled with care, love, jealousy and anger. I felt like melting on those eyes.

But I quickly recover from it and began to sing bewitching song.

When I feel like conciousness was leaving my body I hear other voices of my friends. I know my friends are safe. With that I black out.

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