Part 1

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Do you ever remember when you were little? About 5 or 6? Were there cliques in your school, then??

Well in my school there were not. There were just "the girls". Classes sticked together. No one went out of line...

Of course, there was the girl in each class. The leader of the pack..

I was not the girl, however... I had my own best friend, but I was very close to the girl.

The next year, my best friend moved away and I never saw her again. Long distant relationships don't work, do they? After that, every single girl was pinning for me. Even the girl wanted me as her new "bestie"

After that year, we split up classes and I was with the quietest girl in my old class. Sarah. For the first few months, I hung out with Sarah, developing my own shy streak.

Then I met Brenda.

She had a short blonde bob with bubbly blue eyes. Brenda was the most talkative girl I had ever met (at the time). She could talk for hours on end. I really liked Brenda though, she made me feel special. Popular.

When I hung out with Brenda, I realised that she was the type of girl to forget about their friends and leave them out. I started sitting and Brenda's table, leaving Sarah. I met Brenda's friends. Lauren had dark short curly hair. She had a fiesty temper and wanted to be the best at everything. Isla had long brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. She was good at singing, acting, dancing, the lot. She had a big temper and was the girl of the group. And finally Lise. Lise was sweet, kind and caring. She had curly brown hair, hazel eyes and freckles dotting her skin. She was best friends with Isla.

I don't know if she liked me much, maybe it was when I gave her my hat when she didn't have one to play. Or when I walked with her back to the playground to find her lunchbox. But soon she broke best friends with Isla and became friends with me. It was heaven. But Isla never looked at me the same way again...

ABANDONED // Be like whateverWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt