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One Wet Noon

The morning dew
Glides down the thin leaf blade
Onto the leaf below

The leaves bend and sway
as their flowers bloom in content
With the soft breeze,
A slow waltz show

She sits amongst the flowers
Wondering about today
Her toes curled into the wet grass
She accepts her due 
Spots of her white night dress stuck against her skin
wet from the morning dew

Her deep brown hair
shines under the sun
Ruffled from the sleep that still lingers
Under her warm coffee coloured eyes
With a soft sigh she pulls her hair up,
into a bun

Delicate fingers
brush against the wet green blades below
Throwing her head back
She smiles up at the blue sky
Wondering what he must be thinking
Of this certain girl she knows

Her bright eyes search
For a familiar face in the clouds
The heavy grey fluffs
hover over the girl
Covering her,
From the overzealous sun
Just as she lets out a huff

"It's going to rain today,"
She mumbles slowly.
The clouds smile down at her sadly,
she knows them well.

"Are you feeling quite sad today?"
The girl asks the clouds softly.
Her melodious voice
Blends with the breeze
Almost a whisper when it reaches their ears

They send down a sigh
A gust of wind blows
Touching her with love
as the sad girl frowns

"Are you really not raining but crying down your sorrow?"

She asks them again
It is true, they are sad
But the clouds worry
The sweet girl is sad
She's often sad
And that has to end

"Angel eyes,
Don't be sad
At noon today,
we shall dance

Come outside then
And you will see
Every drop that I let fall,
I shall drop for thee

For every drop is a tiny kiss
And when you are drenched,
Sweet angel eyes
the dream must end

But don't be sad,
We shall meet again
When the skies are blue
But I am grey
And the sun is shining
without a care
I will rain down on you
with the hot noon's breeze
I will hold you once again
And you shall hold me"

"We need to be more comfortable with each other if you expect Isaac to believe that we're together. Holding hands every time he demands it isn't very believable."

I'm speechless. I'm sure plain confusion is now dangling in front of my face, right there with humiliation, "I'm sorry?"

"Parents do not just meet by circumstance in their own household and hold hands only when the child demands it, Miss Windly," William clears his throat, I notice though that his grasp on my arm isn't getting any looser.

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