1. Fitzsimmons and Deke have a discussion

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Deke listened outside the door of Fitzs containment room as he heard Jemma telling fitz that deke was their grandson. Deke couldn't help but be interested in Fitzs reaction. But it didn't surprised deke when fitz called him 'the worst' because they didn't really get along that well.

Deke sighed and decided to knock on the door. Jemma stood up and opened it. "Oh hey..hey deke" Jemma said with a smile. "Hi..." deke said nervously and looked at fitz, who was still in shock. "So..Jemma told you huh?" Deke said and smiled slightly. "Um..erm..yeah yeah...she told me about...about you..." Fitz said. "It's okay to be shocked..." deke said. "Grandpa..." deke muttered. Jemma heard deke and giggled slightly. Fitz slammed his hand on the table and walked up to deke angrily. "I don't know how you're related to us but I don't like it!" Fitz shouted. "Yeah I can see that" deke said as he pushed fitz away from him. Now deke was getting upset.

"Oh...sorry for pushing you...I know I'm not supposed to be mean to the elderly!" Deke shouted, causing Fitzs anger to get worse. He tried to punch deke but luckily, Jemma caught his fist in time and pushed him away. "Fitz..just calm down" Jemma said softly as she lead fitz back to the chair he was sitting in. Deke sighed. "I'm sorry...but I feel like you see me as a disappointment" deke said and looked down. Fitz let out a chuckle "you are..." Fitz started but Jemma interrupted him. "You aren't a disappointment deke, you're perfect" Jemma said and smiled at him. "Thanks..." deke said and smiled, feeling happy with himself. "I'm sure fitz thinks so too but he's just a bit angry at the moment so I think he needs some time alone" Jemma said and led deke out of the room. Let's go find you som gummy bears, I know you like those" Jemma said. Deke smiled "I love gummy bears" deke said and with that, they left.

Hope you liked it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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