Cinna the Wizard & her story

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Cinnia Alderstone: Druid 5/Wizard 3, Human.
Raised in a far away grove, Cinnia's parents tended to the animals and nature spirits, and they taught her the ways of nature and magic. She was content with life, but yearned for more. A treant sensed this desire, and crafted her a spellbook from his tree. She begged her parents to let her explore, they saw the desire in their daughters eyes, and so they let her leave. She has grown since then, and now seeks adventure to test her knowledge and skills.

 She has grown since then, and now seeks adventure to test her knowledge and skills

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On her first day out, she decides to set up camp by a small creek

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On her first day out, she decides to set up camp by a small creek. During the night her fire attracts a multitude of wild animals, and she ends up befriending the animals, some foxes use her tent for the night to help protect their kits, the birds play with her hat bauble, the squirrels take her wand and playfully tease her by climbing up a tree with it, she gets it back after coaxing them with food. Finally a bear comes by and just lays there, she uses her druidic power and speaks with the bear, asking permission to use them as a pillow for the night. The bear doesnt mind.

On her first trip into a town, she isnt quickly overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle, but quickly is able to escape the crowd and find a quiet bench. She finds her way into the inn, and is surprised to see a person with purple skin and huge teeth behind the counter. As this is her first encounter with an orc, she is bewildered. Not realizing some people looked this way, she asks if they're sick. The orc throws her a nasty glare, then breaks out into hearty laughter. He can tell shes never seen an orc and decides to go easy on her. He tells her some simple information on the common races  in the world. She apologizes about calling him sick looking profusely, then thanks him for the help. She decides that maybe towns are a little too much for her at the moment, so she leaves and sets up camp outside of town for the night.

Writing courtesy of my close friend (dungeon master, and super-talented storybuilder) who got instantly inspired and made a D&D character out of her, lul. I'm hoping to play her next time I join into a game.

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