Chapter Ten

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Lost in thought, Logan couldn’t decide whether he wanted to move closer to her or farther away. Not really wanting to do either, he stayed exactly where he was. If he was lucky she’d waltz right past him.

As if on cue, he heard footsteps heading in his direction. Staring straight ahead at the dark colored bookshelves, he leaned as casually as he could against the shelf behind him, attempting to act like he hadn’t just been eavesdropping on the librarian’s conversation. Seconds later, Sadie stepped delicately passed Logan. She appeared to be on her way to one of the study corrals.

“Hey, fancy seeing you here.” He smirked. She whipped her head around fast enough to have given her whiplash.

“What are you doing here?” She spat. She was not happy with Logan being here, that much was clear.

“What I can’t come to my school library?” He smirked. She was cute when she was mad.

“No. This is not your forte and you can’t be here.” With that she spun on her heel and strutted away, quite huffily.

“Aw, come on, babe. This isn’t my forte? I have a research paper that’s due tomorrow and I need to do it.” She kept walking away, completely ignoring him. “Hey will you please talk to me?” He was basically pleading her. He had followed her to the study corrals and they were alone in one of the small enclosed places. Honestly, if the situation was in any way different, he would have been making out with her right then. Damn she’s cute when she’s pissed. “What’s wrong? Why do you hate me so much?” He took a step towards her and she looked up into his eyes. Her moss green eyes met his crystalline ones and his breath caught when he saw that her eyes weren’t just green. They had flecks of blue and gold in them. “Why?” He murmured, still stepping closer.


The paper-thin distance between her and Logan quickly caught Sadie’s attention as soon as he murmured, “Why?”

“Because.” She squeaked out, her voice cracking and making her sound nervous. She couldn’t focus with him so close. Attempting to clear her mind a little more, she stepped back. Her back hit the wall opposite the doorway which caused panic to rise to the surface. She forced her expression blank. I can’t let him see that he has an affect on me.

“Because why?” He smirked, having noticed that she moved back. “Are you nervous Sadie Falls?” He taunted.

“Not from you I’m not.” She spat. She found out that she had made a big mistake when he stepped forward. Instintively she went to step back, only then remembering that her back was pressed to the wall.

He chuckled. “Are you trapped? Nowhere to run to? Nowhere to hide? You’re little boyfriend can’t get you, can he? He can’t tell me to back off and not talk to you when you’re trapped.” Sadie’s eyes flicked to his predatory stare, as she noticed that it was boring into her full bottom lip. Anger flooded out the nervousness that she’d been feeling, as his words sank in. Adam had told him to stay away from me and not talk to me? Why doesn’t he listen to people? Why is he staring at my mouth? Why is he taunting me and pissing with me anyways? Is this just some crazy, stupid cat-mouse game to him?

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