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"Welcome Back to another year at Hogwarts, students!" Headmaster Dippet announced, standing before the tables full of students, including the freshly sorted first years. He scanned the crowd before continuing, "I suppose I shall not hold you here waiting for your supper, so this year my speech will be brief. Conduct yourselves in a manner that warrants respect and we will all get along fine."

With that, dinner began. The Gryffindors at the very back of the Great Hall were letting a chocolate frog hop across the table, laughing rowdily at it's adventures into their meals. Over at the Hufflepuff table, rows of yellow and black robes crowded around one solitary pale blue silk dress. A transfer from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic sat held hostage by the Welcome Brigade. Knowing their friendly nature, Headmaster Dippet knew they would give Ophélie Beaumont the warmest impression until she could be sorted into her fitting house. Unlike the first years, Ophélie had previous academic reports to account for, which all needed to be squared away later. So, it was decided that she would simply be sorted then as well.

"So, what's Beauxbatons like?" One fifth year Hufflepuff asked, tucking a lock of curly brown hair behind her ear. "Your uniforms are certainly better than ours" she added, eyeing the silk with a friendly jealousy.

"Um, mercí, forgive me if my English is poorly, I'm used to speaking French. Beauxbatons is, quite... Pretty?" She responded, subtly correcting their pronunciation of her former school. In reality, she could speak perfect, albiet accented English. But hopefully her sparse and shakily constructed answers would keep the interrogation at bay.  Ophélie was not one to share details of her life to strangers.

She seemed to keep the students at bay with descriptions of the Chateau her school was located in. She told of the fountain dedicated to the Flamels, the magic ice sculptures that decorated the dining hall during Christmas, etc. Luckily, just as they began asking more personal questions, dinner had ended and she had to report to the Headmaster's office to be sorted. As friendly as the Hufflepuff house was, Ophélie knew that was probably the last she would see of them in such a large dose.

At least she hoped.

Headmaster Dippet welcomed Ophélie and sat her down. Behind him stood four men and women,  whom he explained to be the heads of the four houses. He went over the core values of each house, along with a brief biography of each founder. Common rules were established, and with the formalities taken care of, the Sorting hat was placed on her head. At Beauxbatons, there was no talking hat, and having something that seemed to be alive rested on her head made her uneasy.

"Hmmm.... We've got a smart young woman here. I could put you in Ravenclaw, and your brain would be filled with knowledge...but what you choose to do with that knowledge...I decide..... Slytherin!"
The hat announced, after pondering for a minute. One of the men, presumably the Head of Slytherin house, smiled, and welcomed her to the Slytherin fold with a handshake.

She was escorted to the Slytherin common room, and left to fend for herself. Finding her dormitory was simple enough. Ophélie guessed she probably should have changed into her new uniform before going to dinner, but quite simply, she didn't feel like it. She was new here, claiming to not know the rules was a little less than half a lie. The dull grays, blacks, and whites, soon accompanied by emerald and silver were dull compared to her sky blue robes. The Beauxbatons uniform was more stylish, anyways. And Ophélie was very interested in remaining stylish. However, now that she had a house, and a new schedule, and a new life, she must change.

Down in the Slytherin common room, a boy with charming features and curly dark hair sat in front of the eerie green windows that looked out into the lake. Dull shapes moved across the glass, creatures in the depths of the water often provided a dull interest while he came to ponder. He thought about the girl in blue and her striking eyes, a pale green that made them look as if they were incandescent.

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