Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 1 (Not edited)

Max P.O.V.

"Okay Max it's your turn!" I hear Maggie say.
"Alright, Jenny, truth or dare?" I ask her as we lock eyes then laugh at eachother. She puts her finger on he chin and acts like she is thinking really hard, but in reality I know what she is going to say.
"I pick truth! What is your question my good sir?" She says this with a goofy smile on her face and then giggles at me.
" you ever jump out a plane withnothing but a bikini on and a parahcute?" I make up a strange, but quick, question and try to keep a straigh face. Key word...'try.'
"Pfffft,well I hope not! I would probably freeze to death anyway!" She laughs and tells us to move on to the next person. Each person in the group is asked a crazy question, then in return they get a crazy answer. Some of the quesions were like, "If you had 7 pet squirls, and you had to hid them from your family while you were on a personal vacation, where would you keep them?" Or another one that was just as silly, "Okay, so you are ridding a dinosoar, right, and you have to capture this guy that traveled back in time, what type of tool are you going to use to catch him?" So, eventually people said that they wanted a truth, just to hear the funny questions. After a lot of laughing, they got to me, but I said something a bit different.
"Truth or dare Max?" I heard Travis say. I didn't want to say truth because I wanted to go and do something, so I chose the other option. Which I soon came to regret.
"Dare!" I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into.
"Well, well, well. Are you sure?" Travis says, I nod my head and got ready for what was about to happen.
"Okay then, you'll regret that later. I dare you to go to the sex toy store and buy one. But I get to choose wich one you have to buy, and I'll gove you the money. So I'm making this very easy for you." Travis gives the whole dare with a big smerk on his face. He chose this because he knows me so whell, I would never do this on my own because I am such a shy person, also I have no use for it. He looks rigt at me and I start to blush as the dare sinks in, relizing what I got myself into.
W-wait, Travis...hold on! I-I can't do that!" I start to studder and I feel my whole face burning, unsure if he was serious and going t make me go throuhg with this or not.
"Yes you can you have to! You chose dare, and now you have to suffer the consiquenses! Let's get in the car!" Travis says all exited. He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me up the staris to the front door. We get in his car and start driving. I'm in the back, Travis is in shotgun, and my friend Colin is driving. Travis pulls up the website and starts looking through all the different types of toys. "Okay, Max, the rules are you can't tell anyone that it is a dare, and you have to talk to one person, besides the cashier." Travis starts adding more and more details to the dare.
"What! This wasn't part of the deal!" I satrt to worry a lot more about what is about to happen, and then I start to blush again, not that I ever really stopped though. Travis tells me that he finds the toy he wants me to buy and he screen shots it, then he sends the picture to the group chat captioning it with, 'Traget located," like this wasn't embarrasing enough! I stare at the picture in shock, and Travis comments,
"It's fine, chill out. It's not like you have to use it. I mean you can if you want~!" Travis laughs at me and I punch him in the arm. We pull up to the store and I start to cling on the the car chair and I ensure that this is really happening. Travis rolls his eyes and pulls me out of the car. Grabbing my wrist he drags me to the front door and reminds me of all the rules and details.
"Do I really have to do this? Please I don't want to! Colin, save me!" I beg them to not make me go but Travis hands me the money and pushes me through the door. My face flushes a maroon color when I look up. Every wall and shelf is full of all types of sex toys. I don't even now what half of these things are! This lace is huge anyway, how am I going to find what im looking for?

Hey my Muffins! I just finished my first chaper of this new story that I am starting, and it is going to be very kinky! I look forward to writing it! Hope you enjoy, bye!

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