The Coffee

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Chapter 2 (not edited)

Max's P.O.V.

"Oh dear god....what do I do from here?" I look around the story with wide eyes and then I decide to just choose a random spot and look from there. I pull up the picture on my phone and I start looking. "Obviously this store is very fond of pink and black...." I see someone on the other side of the store and I try to hide behind a shelf so they don't see my face. Hopefully it's nobody I know. So far all I see are just boxes of small pink vibrators, or at least that's what I think they are. I move on to another section and now I see a bunch of anal beads, and luckily this is not the section I have to be in. After a bit of looking around, I find myself astonished when I reach the bondage section. I've never seen tis before and I start to look at all the types of things here, they have the strangest I must not have been paying much attention to my surroundings because as soon as I take a step forward to continue looking, I bump into someone. All I feel is a burning sensation all down my chest and pants. "Ahh! Oh my god I'm so sor- Ow! Ow! Crap what the heck?" I look down and see that he spills his coffee all over me when I turned around.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The guy looks around for something and fails at finding anything useful for the situation so he quickly takes off his shirt and starts whipping me off where the coffee spilt. Keep in mind that it went all over my legs too.Because of the fact that my shirt was white, the coffee made it look see through with a tint of brown. What a horrible day to wear white! The burning calms down in my chest, but I start to feel my face heat up.
"Y-yes, I'm okay. I'm s-sorry I should have been looking where I was g-going." I catch myself stutter and mentally slap myself.
"Here, come to the bathroom with me, i'll wash you up there." He puts his hand on my back and guides me to the bathroom. We get in and he closes the door.
"Umm... I don't mean to sound, like, creepy or anything, so don't take this the wrong way. Can you take off your shirt, I have an extra one in my car that you can wear, so it should be fine for now. I just don't want you to have to go home with hot coffee on yourself and then you will be all sticky, and everything will be bad, so just, to solve problems, can you take it off?" He puts his hand on the back of his head and gives me a sympathetic smile. I try to pull it up over my head...but it gets stuck. Now my face is covered, my hands are stuck above my head, and my chest is showing.
"Umm... you see...that was my plan, you know, to take the shirt's's stuck." I blush and try not to sound like an idiot, but I already look like one, so I probably sound like one too.  I hear him chuckle and move closer. He says,
"Okay, I'm going to help you pull it off alright, don't freak out or anything." I feel him grab onto both sides of my shirt, but when he does, I also feel his body lean up against mine, I can feel my chest on his abs, and I have never been so embarrassed than in this moment right here. He counts to three and pulls it off in one tug.
"I'm free! Thank you!" I exclaim once I can see again.
"Good, okay, I'm going to wipe you off now, don't freak out or anything." The guy looks me in the eyes and tells me. It shiver and then look away.
"I won't freak out." I assure him so he can continue. He grabs some paper towel and puts some water on it, then rings it out a bit. He brings the towel to my chest and gently starts moving it around. "A-ahh, it's cold..." I grimace at the feeling and then I start to get use to it. I have goosebumps all up my arms and everything, so he stops. He grabs another towel and puts warm water on it. "Ahhhh....that feels so much better! Thanks~" He seemed to be done with all the coffee on my chest, so he started moving down to my stomach and gets most of it off from there pretty quickly for some reason.
"Umm, can you sit down for a second?" He looks a bit worried but he smiles at me so I sit down. There was no top to the toilet seat so I sat down on the floor. My butt was on the floor and my back was against the wall with my legs in front of me. He gets down on his knees and put both his hands onto my legs and opens them so he can clearly see where the coffee spilt. I start to blush a lot then he looks me right in the eyes for a split second and winks at me. I instanlty blush brighter and look away. I feel him bring the towel to where the coffee was, which happened to be thing. How inconvenient! He was a bit rougher with the towel when he was cleaning my pants, pushing down a bit harder, and rubbing around more.
"Mmm...w-wait...h-hold on a second, p-please..." Still turned away, I ask him to stop.
"What's wrong are you okay? Does it still burn? Here let me go faster so we can get this over with." As he says thins he tries to wipe everything off faster, but that doesn't help the problem, because I grow and obvious bonner....
"P-please! S-stop! Just w-wait a second!" I grab his wrist and hold it still, at the same time, I close my legs in hopes that he doesn't notice.
"What's the prob- oh...*tries to hold back a laugh* hehe that's the problem." Still trying not to laugh, he tries to look at my face and I cover it with my hands. A clear bright blush on my face, making me clearly embarrassed.
"Do you want help with that, too?" He places both his knees under my thighs and his hand grabs both of mine and pins them above my head. His other hand lifting my chin up and getting really close to my face. My eyes go wide and I blush more than ever. His hand slides down to my pants and he starts to rub and tease me. How did I even get into this situation?

Have aaron whippe off the coffee from him, but he has a burn on his body, so he takes him home because his friends ditched him. fuckkkkk plz

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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