The day I learned that loving myself was too much

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Title: Reflection

Artist: RM (BTS)

Album: Wings

I know
Every life's a movie
We got different stars and stories
We got different nights and mornings
Our scenarios ain't just boring...

I wish I could love myself

The day I learned that loving myself was too much

I clutched the envelope in my hand as I stood in front of the restroom door. Ive waited for this for so long but I knew I wouldn't regret it. I squeezed my eyes shut and saw the door open and i held my breath. It wasn't him.

I exhaled and clutched the envelope tighter. The envelope felt as if it was burning a sense of regret washed over me.

I shook my head but as my heart began to sting again. That's when the envelope stopped burning and a desire built in me as the door opened once again.

It was him.

He was as handsome as I thought. Tall and lean with perhaps a beautiful smile to pair, but that face was filled with confusion rather than joy.

"What..." he began.

But before he could finish his sentence I handed him my envelope and turned away.

No regrets.

His POV:

I walked out of the restroom not expecting a young woman standing there. Instantly I wondered whether she was a stalker or a fan and was about to call security when she rather forcibly handed me her envelope. But before I could say anything she walked off, her shoulders stood tall and her dark hair flowed, following her.

I took the envelope with me to the table where the rest of my team members were enjoying their lunch and took my place.

"What's that" one member asked, with his face full of food.

And the others turned to look. I shrugged and instantly the envelope was forgotten amid more food arriving.

I put it to the side and began to eat.

Later as our table was being cleared and we joked around a waitress asked me if it was trash, and I shook my head.

If she was a fan its maybe another love letter or note, I thought, and even then, I didn't want to be rude.

It was weird yes, a girl waiting outside to restroom for me, but as a celebrity we see weird all the time. This was a first. It was odd and different, and curiosity began to peek.

I made sure my hands were clean before anything and tore the envelope slowly.

At that point most of my team were curious too and stopped fooling around and stared.

I tore, and tension rose.

I pulled what was inside and realized it was a ticket, for our show. The one that was on tonight.

"What the fuck" someone said. My thoughts exactly.

Why would she give me one of our tickets? Was it hers? Did she not like us anymore?

That was when I noticed it wasn't just any ticket, this one was backstage included. Only ten were given those. Well nine now.

I felt something on the back of it and there I noticed a yellow post it, on it a note and it read.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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