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When you woke up you found yourself in a room in the bunker. The lights extremely bright you groaned as you moved your arm to cover eyes. Then you heard it the slight beat of someone's heart. You looked over to see Dean looking at you. You asked him why didn't you kill me? Getting out of the comfort of you bed you stood over him and said why again. Then he stood and said I couldn't.

Then you felt weird your mouth started to change you could feel your fangs moving as you got closer to Dean. He then moved to the door to yell for his brothers help. Then with your new found speed you  walked over to Dean and sank your fangs into his neck. He then moaned and said ""how did you know that was my sweet spot"? Trying to drag your attention away from killing him. You in turn said "because I'm good like that" and continued on.

Sam then ran in there with some weird green liquid and pushed you of his brother. You fell to the ground and said "Dean you taste good". While liking your fangs and he said " I know". Sam then made you drink that weird green liquid and it burnt going down your throat. Then he told Dean to get a trash can.

With Dean getting a trash can he told you "(y/n) you're going to be really sick for the next week before you get better and back to normal".

Then Dean came back with the trash can and gave it to you right when you started vomiting everything you had eaten that day. Soon you were only dry heaving as they pulled you up onto your bed.

They left the room to go fix Deans neck where you bit him. Then Dean came back in your room to check on you.

As he waked in all you could do was apologize over and over again.

He came over and sat beside you and put his finger to your lips to stop you from apologizing anymore. He said " I don't blame you for anything,sweetheart I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Not really".

As he started to leave you grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving. "Stay the night, please". You asked.
" sure" he answered. Then he pulled off his jeans and shirt. Then he got in bed beside you and you layed your head on his chest his arm around you and the beat of his heart lulling you to sleep.

Too Late  (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now