hello stranger

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Asano's POV:
My eyes met his familiar ones, as he walked towards me, I almost choked, why did I wait for him is beyond my knowledge, he stretched a hand out, and said with the deepest voice I've ever heard: hello stranger, he smiled lightly, I smiled back, shaking his hand, I said as I broke the contact: Asano is the name, he said: it's a pleasure, I'm Haru, I asked nervously: wanna get a drink?, he said smirking: I start the job in an hour so I don't see why not, we walked towards the bar as we both ordered drinks, we chatted and chatted and more drinks were ordered, he excused himself and said he'll be back when his shift is done, I said goodbye to him, and I continued the drinking session on my own, drink after drink, I barely could stand on my feet, I leaned against the bar as I chugged what was left in my glass, I trembled across the room, trying to find somewhere to sit, I almost fell but I was caught by a strong pair of arms, I looked up and it was him, he said with an eyebrow raised: how many drinks did you exactly have?, I laughed then said: why do you care? Nobody cares, as my laughter turned into sobs, how the hell do I end up crying when I'm drunk, he lifted me up on his shoulder and brought me to what seems like a couch he layed me down, and said: now what is it that got you so drunk?, I didn't know what to answer him but I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind: nagisa shiota, the loveliest human being on this planet, the only person I've ever loved, and my best friend who has a boyfriend, he sat there silently, I wondered if he was gonna give me the sappy speech everyone gives...

Haru's POV:
I've been through that, I've heard my fair share of sappy speeches, he needs a wake of reality, I said not too harshly: listen if you think that they're truly happy in that relationship, then you should leave them, it doesn't get better for a while, but the feelings go away after time, and you seem like somebody that shouldn't get their heart broken so much, I smiled at the end, he said sadly: it makes me very sad that what you're saying is so true, but you got one thing wrong, I don't deserve happiness, I flinched at his words, this person hit him deep, I said unconsciously: you do, everybody does, but you deserve it more than anybody, I saw something in your eyes, a wall of coldness that's waiting to be broken by warm love, he looked into my eyes deeply, he smiled, he grabbed my hand and hugged it, I was very surprised by his actions but I let him do whatever he was doing, he said: I'm tired, very tired,I want to sleep, I nodded as he closed his eyes and was instantly snoring lightly, my shift was over but I had no clue where he lived, and I obviously can't leave him here, I sighed realizing I had to take him home with me, my arm was still under him, I strategically lifted him up bridal style, I didn't want it to seem like a kidnapping so I left from the back, I placed him in the front seat next to me, as I got in and drove off, I prayed to god my brothers weren't still up, the questions will never end if they saw me, I tried to keep my eyes on the road, but I used every chance I had to sneak looks at the sleeping boy next to me, he was intriguing, I didn't know why I walked back into work hoping he was still there, or why the first thing I did was talk to him, or why I drowned so deep in his dark violet eyes, he was a mystery that I felt the need to solve, I continued driving as I shook my head to escape my own thoughts, I soon parked in the garage, and walked out of the car carefully getting him out, I locked the car and walked towards the front door silently unlocking it, I sneaked up the stairs and to my room, I sighed as I closed the door behind me, thank god I made it, I realized that we'll have to sleep on the same bed because the guest bedroom is so close to my brother's rooms, I sighed again, I placed him on the bed I took off his shoes, and placed covers over him as I went in to change myself, I wore shorts and a shirt since I wasn't sleeping alone, I tried to lie down as far as I could from him, so I don't make this uncomfortable for him but I was surprised by an arm wrapping around me and a head being shoved into my chest, he mumbled still sleeping: you're warm, stay..., as his light snores were heard again, I didn't move, I just hoped he wouldn't punch me in the morning, thinking I raped him or something, I shook my thoughts away as I fell asleep myself...

Time skip to morning time:
Asano's POV:
I woke up cuddled in a warm place, the sun was lightly peeking from the window, I lifted my face up only to be met with a sleeping Haru, I didn't move realizing I was the one strangling him, I looked at him for a while, he must've felt my creepiness, as he soon drifted his eyes open, he looked down at me and said with a nervous tone: good morning, I replied smiling as I released him from my grip: good morning, he sat up and we stared at each other with a bit of awkwardness, I don't know what to say and neither did he, he got up and said: coffee?, I nodded getting up behind him, we went to what I assumed was the kitchen, he started moving around, he asked with his back to me: you seem young, don't you have school?, I answered: I do, but I took about two months off for a friend, he nodded not questioning any further after a few minutes he placed a cup of coffee in front of me as he had  his own I'm his hands, he said awkwardly: well I guess, I do need to drive you home, I nodded then said even more awkwardly: yup, I'm sorry about last night by the way, he smiled warmly and said: it's okay, all the awkwardness seemed to fade away as we chatted here and there, he got dressed and we drove off to my house, when we got there, we exchanged phone numbers and we stood in silence at the metal gate off my house, he lightly kissed my cheek then slowly walked to his car, he gave me one last look, he smiled then got in his car and drove off, I realized I was standing there blushing like an idiot, I walked in trying to register what the hell just happened...

(A/N hey guys it's me, the author that hasn't updated in like 16 days, I am so sorry for not updating for that long I'm so sick, that I barely even got this crappy chapter out, I introduced a new love interest for Asano, I know this chapter didn't have karmagisa and I'm sorry I just wanted to have a chapter about Asano only, anyways I'll try to be a good author, I love you all my lovely readers, and as always remember to stay beautiful 💕)

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