Chapter 24

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"Girls aren't the only ones that get depressed.

Boys cut.

Boys cry.

Boys lay awake hoping to die.

It's not just girls.

Credits go to -Saving Everest, from Ayarashed27705.

One thing I want to point out is that, exampled in the quote. There isn't correct grammar. That's okay, in fact when emotion comes in a lot of the time when writing, making it not be correct, The story, quote, poem, makes it against the flow, against perfect, working with hurt and depression helps the reader feel the story more. So don't comment when there is a "mistake" in my writing in this book. Because I make it like that. It also gets extremely annoying. But in my other novels, sure knock yourself out. (Omg I am kidding do not spam me with it. I will knock you out with the printed version of my book that I write the stories in. It's thick and ready to bust skulls.)

I have 5 journals. They all big.

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