Chapter 7: The Journey Begins

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I found the background online. I drew the characters on the background though.

    Almost a week had passed since Cuphead and Mugman were rescued by Flix and RayCup. During that time, their fevers broke and they started getting stronger with each passing day. Once they had fully recovered, the brothers had their minds set on returning to Inkwell at once, making their desire to return known to their hosts.

     The lizard's response was almost instantaneous. "What?? Are you crazy?? You can't make a journey like that all by yourselves! It's suicide!"

     "We have to go back," Cuphead insisted. "Inkwell is our home. Our family and friends there are in terrible danger. We have to defeat King Dice once and for all."

     "You've only been fully well for a day!" Flix objected. "And the place you're trying to go is thousands of miles away! Not only that, this world is crawling with humans! It just can't be done!"

     "I don't see why humans would be a problem," Mugman reasoned. "Some of our friends back home are humans."

     Flix and RayCup eyed Mugman in mild disbelief. "Humans here aren't like the ones you knew," the girl said. "They'll have never seen anything like you before. If they catch you, they'll take you away and start taking you apart, bit by bit." Cuphead (and especially Mugman), felt a twinge of fear. Would they really do that, or was she just trying to scare them? "The worst part is," RayCup continued. "Is that humans don't care what happens to you. All they care about is money and making weapons to kill each other."

     The brothers had to admit: RayCup had a point. They had no idea how to navigate through such a cold, cruel world. Desperate as they were, she was right. They needed help, but weren't sure if Flix would be willing to go through an ordeal like that. But despite the risks, they knew it was necessary. Cuphead was scared, heck, frightened to the core about what could happen out there in a world filled with hostile humans, but he knew the people of Inkwell needed him and his brother again now more than ever.

     "I appreciate the concern you two, but I can't let all those people suffer because of my inaction. I have to do something."

     RayCup put a reassuring hand on Cuphead's shoulder. "Hey...if you're that intent on getting home, we won't stop you. But you two shouldn't have to tough it out there all alone." RayCup smiled at the red teacup reassuringly. "That's why I'm going with you."

     "Whoa, whoa there, missy," Flix said. "I ain't gonna lose you to those hairless apes! Yur stayin' here, young lady."

     "Pa," RayCup replied in a soft, respectful tone. "They need our help. No one else here is gonna do that. Besides, the only family they have is in trouble."

     Flix blinked. The memory of himself as a youngster flew through his mind. He recalled when he too was torn away from his family not long after hatching. He could understand the boys' desire to go home, but he also felt responsible for RayCup's safety. His tendrils drooped as he sighed. "I don't wanna lose you hon," he said. "You're all I've got..."

     "As long as you're with me, I ain't scared," RayCup answered, scooping up the little Geckvolt in her arms and hugging him tightly.

     Flix beamed. He admired her bravery, and her kindness even more so. He embraced her, his head draping over his adopted-daughter's shoulder. He shifted his gaze to Cuphead and Mugman, who stood watching with a light smile. Flix pulled his head up, his gold eyes focusing on RayCup. "Hon," he said firmly. "Let's go whip some gamepiece butt."


     The sun was about halfway up to the middle of the sky. The light it cast made shadowy outlines across the shimmering white snow. Icicles sparkled with all colors of the rainbow as sunlight touched their slick icy surface.

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