12:09 AM Feb.7th

40 1 0

To my Dearest,

I'd normally keep to myself

like a door with a padlock

but a key has revealed itself

and with one turn, has reminded me...


With every inch it moves

The treasure within increases its chance to shatter

as it holds so many cracks...chips

When we collided, like the ocean and its shore

I thought "To fall for such a beauty would be worth every risk"

but would this newly found castle fall like a kingdom under siege?

What of history?

If it truly repeats itself, then to disregard the past is complete insanity.

A Question...

Would it be worth the risk

or should these doors be shut, and reinforced with iron, and chain

never to see the light of day?

I fear...If the gates open

I may never return to the place that I came from.

I fear that revealed is a barren wasteand

which not one hint or drop of life...love...exists

I leave it up to my key.

the one who has unlocked my doors.

Where do we lead each other?

Are we another failed love

Or are we the spark to feed the fire?

A secret admirer

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