Why try

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There is always a time

there is always a place

I wish I could go at my own pace

but it seems that life is just a race

there is always time that I must chace.

But since I'm here and try to fly

and since I can't even get by

I'm told my life is just a lie

and this is just what makes me cry

why try

Engrossed in these thoughts

they traveled a lot

whether near or far

they left a scar

for I cannot

this life would rot

for life's as fast as a gunshot

Without my wand

I can not fly

I can not dream

I will not try

you hold my horcrux in your eye

I'm sorry, my love is hard to specify

Because without my wand i'll say why try

I guess i'm desperate

I just don't know

My mind is everywhere you know

It's like a light bouncing off the walls

In cracks and crevices they go

Just like my love for you a moving photo

So please just don't be shy

Take my hand so we can fly

Together forever and you know why

Because without you well...

I say why try?

~what can i say? I like HP

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