Best Friends? I think not.

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This chapter is for @BrookeMoore2020 she gave me the idea for this chapter. Enjoy!

Dean POV:

Cas and I walk into the crappy motel room that Sam got for us. He's going to visit an old friend from college and he did the honor of getting Cas and I a room for the night. I guess he doesn't want us to come along with him, apparently he's Mr. Too-cool-to-bring-his-older-brother-and-his-brother's-crush. Oh well.

The smell of mold and mildew hits my nose. It's a cream colored room with a fridge, a sink, and a microwave that looks like it'll electrocute me. There's a small bathroom in the corner, but over all, the thing that terrifies me the most, is the bed. That's right! You heard me! The BED. Not two beds, ONE SINGLE TWIN SIZED BED. No couch, not even a chair, and I sure as hell am not sleeping on the floor. I pull out my phone and call Sam. 

"Yes, Dean?"

"You son of a bitch. Why the hell is there only one bed?"

"Oh, you see, all of the other rooms were booked, so I grabbed this one while it was still open." He laughs.

"Where the hell are we supposed to sleep?"

"I guess you two will need to share the bed." I can almost hear the evil grin on his face. I hang up on him without saying goodbye. I turn to Cas who is still standing in the same spot as before.

"Okay, buddy, we have to share the bed because Sam is a little bitch," I say firmly.

"Dean, your brother is not a female dog," I roll my eyes and walk away. I toss my bag in one corner of the room, and lay down claiming my side of the bed. Cas follows my lead and does the same. There's a small TV mounted on the wall. I find the remote and turn it on, settling on some crime show. We both watch it for an hour or two before deciding to go to sleep. I crawl under the blanket. I wait to see if Cas does anything, but he doesn't move at all. I look over to find him fast asleep. He looks so adorable with his stupid cute face and his dumb messy hair. I pull off his shoes and drape the other side of the blanket over him, and turn off the light.

---Sometime in the middle of the night---

I wake up when I feel the bed shift. I hear chattering teeth and feel Cas shivering next to me. He shifts a bit more and snuggles into my side. I move and wrap my arms around him, so his head is resting next to my chest. I mindlessly place a kiss on top of his head and fall back asleep.

---The next morning---

Sam POV:

I open the door to the motel room, as silent as possible. I see Dean and Cas in the bed, Cas curled up in Dean's arms. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. I pull out my phone and take a few pictures. Once I'm finished, I walk over to the side of the bed.

"Dean. Hey Dean. Wake up." He opens his eyes a bit, and then closes them and pulls Cas closer with a smile on his face. That smile quickly disappears and his eyes shoot open. He looks at Cas in his arms and then he looks at me. He doesn't say anything, but he slowly lifts his hand up and gently strokes the side of Cas' face.

"Wake up," he whispers softly. Cas groans in response and shoves his face into the nearest object, which happened to be Dean's chest. I jump up and down and flail my arms. SCRRREEEEEET SCREEEE SCREEEEET SCREEEEEEEEET SCREEET SCREEEEE SCREE SCREEEEET AHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS MY SHIP HAS SAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps, I hope you enjoyed the story, if ya got any requests, please comment or message me, thanks for reading BYE :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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