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“You say you’re not special because the world doesn’t know about you, but that’s an insult to me. I know about you.”

“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

                        -John Green


How can two people who have been at the same places at the same time practically everyday for four years straight never acknowledge each other’s presence. That’s the thing, we as human beings only see what peeks our interest. We are always searching for what we want; though, when someone searches for you it’s another story.

Everyday is different at home, and everyday is the same at school. I wish it were the opposite, except maybe living the same horror story at home isn’t such a great thing. I guess I just need to keep my chin up either way. Still, being the top student isn’t easy to keep up with. You spend so much time helping others you barley help yourself and when you don’t get a perfect score, you’re questioned. At the same time, I think maybe I’ll just stop helping people but I know that’s not an actual option. If I stopped helping people I don’t know who I’d be anymore. This is the same thing that runs through my head every morning when wake up to go to school. The same thing. Every. Day.

I am Asher Bennett and that’s just it. My life is already set into place, so I’ve got to make the best of it because at the end of the day, you are you. So I will think the same way everyday, I will speak the same way everyday, and I will be true to me and to everyone else, everyday to come. I will sit in class and take notes on everything I’m taught, I will study for two hours when I get home, and I will memorize the names of every person at school because that’s me. I will enter this last year of school the same as any other year.

Anytime you think you have your life planned out, it goes completely South and I don’t mean it in a bad way either just not what you’d expect. Everyone sits there, in a chair that is their life and assumes they can’t fix their mistakes; that they can’t fix them. They have it all wrong. All you need is someone to help you guide you through life. And maybe, just maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get that chance. Trying to fit in isn’t really my thing. I’m not some Ace scholar who’s going to Yale, I’m just a plain old girl. My parents want me to be the valedictorian of the class, the one who goes into some big profession like a dentist or lawyer, not a painter. Having a perfect family is worse than having an imperfect one. At least you’d get to be honest and maybe, just maybe even be acknowledge outside of social gatherings. I’m not the greatest at communicating with others; I rarely ever speak to anyone aside from my brother and Emma, my dear sucky best friend. I am Lila King, looking to change my life one step at a time. Who knows, this school year might be life changing for me if what my parents told me is actually true.

Hope you guys like this collab. Credits go to not just me but Blinded_Imaginations. We'll try our best to get weekly updates on this app. I know I'm flaky and I apologize folks 😂 Feel free to add comments and tell us if you like it! Hit Blinded_Imaginations up and show some love.

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